Internetplattformen zur Diagnostik von Lernverläufen von Schülerinnen und Schülern in Deutschland. Ein Vergleich der Plattformen Lernlinie, Levumi und quop
S Blumenthal, M Gebhardt… - Zeitschrift für …, 2022 - epub.uni-regensburg.de
Die Lernverlaufsdiagnostik ist ein wesentliches Element zur Prävention von Lernproblemen
sowie zur Evaluation von Förderentscheidungen und bildet die Grundlage für datenbasierte …
sowie zur Evaluation von Förderentscheidungen und bildet die Grundlage für datenbasierte …
Understanding and improving teachers' graph literacy for data-based decision-making via video intervention
In the educational context, graph literacy describes the competence to read, comprehend,
and interpret formative assessment data in terms of data-based decision-making (DBDM) in …
and interpret formative assessment data in terms of data-based decision-making (DBDM) in …
Effects of using curriculum-based measurement (CBM) for progress monitoring in reading and an additive reading instruction in second classes
In this study, poor readers in second school year were selected from three schools (n= 32).
Their reading skills were surveyed weekly using a CBM instrument over one school …
Their reading skills were surveyed weekly using a CBM instrument over one school …
Classroom effects are as large as grade‐level effects on curriculum‐based measurement maze reading scores of secondary school students with and without special …
Background Previous studies used curriculum‐based measurement (CBM) maze scores as
an indicator of the reading comprehension level of secondary school students with and …
an indicator of the reading comprehension level of secondary school students with and …
Das Lesescreening LES-IN für inklusive Grundschulklassen. Entwicklung und psychometrische Prüfung einer Paper-Pencil-Version als Basis für computerbasiertes …
Lesescreenings für den inklusiven Unterricht ermöglichen eine ökonomische und faire
Testung des Leistungsstandes aller Schüler: innen, um eine datengestützte Hilfe für …
Testung des Leistungsstandes aller Schüler: innen, um eine datengestützte Hilfe für …
Progress monitoring in primary education using Levumi: A case study
We present, as a case study, the web-based platform Levumi that enables teachers to easily
monitor learning progressions of children with a focus on elementary skills in reading …
monitor learning progressions of children with a focus on elementary skills in reading …
Measuring oral reading fluency (ORF) computer-based and paper-based: Examining the mode effect in reading accuracy and reading fluency
Internationally, teachers use oral reading fluency (ORF) measurements to monitor learning
progress in reading and adapt instruction to the individual needs of students. In ORF …
progress in reading and adapt instruction to the individual needs of students. In ORF …
Using theory-based test construction to develop a new curriculum-based measurement for sentence reading comprehension
Reading comprehension at sentence level is a core component in the students'
comprehension development, but there is a lack of comprehension assessments at the …
comprehension development, but there is a lack of comprehension assessments at the …
Fachbeitrag: Pilotierung von Leseflüssigkeits-und Leseverständnistests zur Entwicklung von Instrumenten der Lernverlaufsdiagnostik
Individuelle Lernverläufe im Lesen können mittels Lernverlaufsdiagnostik im Längsschnitt
beobachtet werden. Die Lernverlaufstests müssen dafür auch über die Zeit reliabel und …
beobachtet werden. Die Lernverlaufstests müssen dafür auch über die Zeit reliabel und …
How the existence of special schools affects the placement of students with special needs in inclusive primary schools
Although inclusion is the declared goal, the transition from a system based on special
schools to an inclusive school system has only been progressing very slowly in individual …
schools to an inclusive school system has only been progressing very slowly in individual …