What drives export performance of firms in Eastern and Western Poland?

P Gajewski, G Tchorek - European Planning Studies, 2017‏ - Taylor & Francis
We use a unique firm-level survey dataset that draws from the EFIGE (European Firms in a
Global Economy) questionnaire to unveil differences in factors driving export performance in …

Urban regeneration in Poland's non-core regions

T Stryjakiewicz, R Kudłak, P Ciesiółka… - European Planning …, 2018‏ - Taylor & Francis
After many years of efforts aimed at reaching a cohesive and inclusive socio-economic
development, Poland keeps witnessing some significant disparities in the distribution of …

[PDF][PDF] Selected mesoeconomic indicators of regional development in Poland based on intermunicipal cooperation

S Klus, L Wanat, T Potkański, R Czarnecki… - European Research …, 2021‏ - researchgate.net
Purpose: The aim of the study was to identify the mesoeconomic determinants of regional
development in Poland based on intermunicipal cooperation. Design/Methodology …

[ספר][B] Terytorialny wymiar wzrostu i rozwoju

J Zaucha, T Brodzicki, D Ciołek, T Komornicki… - 2015‏ - books.google.com
Spójność terytorialna: geneza, treść i pomiar Kluczowe koncepcje przestrzenne jako
składowe polityki rozwoju Proces stopniowej konceptualizacji wymiaru terytorialnego w …

[PDF][PDF] Territorial cohesion: A missing link between economic growth and welfare: Lessons from the Baltic Tiger

T Brodzicki, D Ciołek, T Komornicki, Z Mogiła… - 2017‏ - rcin.org.pl
We dedicate this book to the European Union ho** it will survive the stormy time and will
continue offering peace, solidarity, and prosperity. We are grateful to the researchers who …

[PDF][PDF] Changes in the Standard of Living in Rural Population of Poland in the Period of the Eu Membership

P Brambert, I Kiniorska - European Countryside, 2018‏ - sciendo.com
Polish rural areas face various social, economic and ecological problems. These processes
greatly affect diversification of the standard of living in rural areas. The goal of the study was …

[PDF][PDF] Regional resilience in Ireland and the existence of a two-tier recovery

B HenneBry - Quaestiones Geographicae, 2018‏ - sciendo.com
This paper focuses on the increasing regional disparities in Ireland, especially since the
great recession and assesses the degree to which the recovery has been concentrated in …

Preferences of poles concerning the shape of regional policy and the allocation of European funds

W Kisiała, A Bajerski, B Stępiński - Transylvanian Review of Administrative …, 2018‏ - rtsa.ro
The social reception of economic development processes has been underrated in studies
conducted so far. The scarcity of such analyses may be perceived as a problem especially in …

Mesoeconomic factors of intermunicipal cooperation as a tool for the integrated development of rural areas in Poland

L Wanat, V Kaputa, T Potkański… - Zeszyty Naukowe …, 2021‏ - bazekon.icm.edu.pl
Rural development issues include also those areas of economic politics and public policies
which are connected with intermunicipal cooperation. It appears that development …

[PDF][PDF] Dylematy rozwoju miejskich obszarów funkcjonalnych z perspektywy partnerstw międzysamorządowych

T Potkański, L Wanat - Studia komitetu przestrzennego …, 2017‏ - bibliotekanauki.pl
Dilemmas of Development of the Functional Urban Areas from the Perspective of
Intermunicipal Co-operation. Intermunicipal co-operation remains still an underdeveloped …