What drives export performance of firms in Eastern and Western Poland?
We use a unique firm-level survey dataset that draws from the EFIGE (European Firms in a
Global Economy) questionnaire to unveil differences in factors driving export performance in …
Global Economy) questionnaire to unveil differences in factors driving export performance in …
Urban regeneration in Poland's non-core regions
After many years of efforts aimed at reaching a cohesive and inclusive socio-economic
development, Poland keeps witnessing some significant disparities in the distribution of …
development, Poland keeps witnessing some significant disparities in the distribution of …
[PDF][PDF] Selected mesoeconomic indicators of regional development in Poland based on intermunicipal cooperation
Purpose: The aim of the study was to identify the mesoeconomic determinants of regional
development in Poland based on intermunicipal cooperation. Design/Methodology …
development in Poland based on intermunicipal cooperation. Design/Methodology …
[ספר][B] Terytorialny wymiar wzrostu i rozwoju
J Zaucha, T Brodzicki, D Ciołek, T Komornicki… - 2015 - books.google.com
Spójność terytorialna: geneza, treść i pomiar Kluczowe koncepcje przestrzenne jako
składowe polityki rozwoju Proces stopniowej konceptualizacji wymiaru terytorialnego w …
składowe polityki rozwoju Proces stopniowej konceptualizacji wymiaru terytorialnego w …
[PDF][PDF] Territorial cohesion: A missing link between economic growth and welfare: Lessons from the Baltic Tiger
T Brodzicki, D Ciołek, T Komornicki, Z Mogiła… - 2017 - rcin.org.pl
We dedicate this book to the European Union ho** it will survive the stormy time and will
continue offering peace, solidarity, and prosperity. We are grateful to the researchers who …
continue offering peace, solidarity, and prosperity. We are grateful to the researchers who …
[PDF][PDF] Changes in the Standard of Living in Rural Population of Poland in the Period of the Eu Membership
Polish rural areas face various social, economic and ecological problems. These processes
greatly affect diversification of the standard of living in rural areas. The goal of the study was …
greatly affect diversification of the standard of living in rural areas. The goal of the study was …
[PDF][PDF] Regional resilience in Ireland and the existence of a two-tier recovery
This paper focuses on the increasing regional disparities in Ireland, especially since the
great recession and assesses the degree to which the recovery has been concentrated in …
great recession and assesses the degree to which the recovery has been concentrated in …
Preferences of poles concerning the shape of regional policy and the allocation of European funds
The social reception of economic development processes has been underrated in studies
conducted so far. The scarcity of such analyses may be perceived as a problem especially in …
conducted so far. The scarcity of such analyses may be perceived as a problem especially in …
Mesoeconomic factors of intermunicipal cooperation as a tool for the integrated development of rural areas in Poland
Rural development issues include also those areas of economic politics and public policies
which are connected with intermunicipal cooperation. It appears that development …
which are connected with intermunicipal cooperation. It appears that development …
[PDF][PDF] Dylematy rozwoju miejskich obszarów funkcjonalnych z perspektywy partnerstw międzysamorządowych
Dilemmas of Development of the Functional Urban Areas from the Perspective of
Intermunicipal Co-operation. Intermunicipal co-operation remains still an underdeveloped …
Intermunicipal Co-operation. Intermunicipal co-operation remains still an underdeveloped …