[HTML][HTML] Atmospheric Anomalies Associated with the 2021 Mw 7.2 Haiti Earthquake Using Machine Learning from Multiple Satellites
The remote sensing-based Earth satellites has become a beneficial instrument for the
monitoring of natural hazards. This study includes a multi-sensors analysis to estimate the …
monitoring of natural hazards. This study includes a multi-sensors analysis to estimate the …
Total electron content anomalies associated with earthquakes occurred during 1998–2019
Statistical analyses on the intensification of seismic precursors before and after the
earthquakes (EQs) from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) based Total Electron …
earthquakes (EQs) from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) based Total Electron …
Integrated Analysis of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionospheric Coupling Associated with the 2021 Mw 7.2 Haiti Earthquake
The search for Earthquake (EQ) precursors in the ionosphere and atmosphere from satellite
data has provided significant information about the upcoming main shock. This study …
data has provided significant information about the upcoming main shock. This study …
Atmospheric precursors associated with two Mw> 6.0 earthquakes using machine learning methods
The advancements in remote sensing (RS) satellite applications have revolutionized natural
disaster surveillance and prediction in the earthquake monitoring by delineating various …
disaster surveillance and prediction in the earthquake monitoring by delineating various …
Possible seismo-ionospheric anomalies associated with Mw> 5.0 earthquakes during 2000–2020 from GNSS TEC
The recent advances in space-based ionosphere measurements provide more detailed
information about transient ionospheric anomalies associated with earthquakes (EQs). In …
information about transient ionospheric anomalies associated with earthquakes (EQs). In …
Atmospheric and ionospheric precursors associated with Mw≥ 6.5 earthquakes from multiple satellites
The ionospheric monitoring satellites aid in correlating the lithospheric variation in
ionosphere through Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling (LAIC) over the epicenter …
ionosphere through Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling (LAIC) over the epicenter …
Study of the ionospheric precursors associated with M w≥ 6.0 EQ from Ionosonde Stations and GIM TEC
To study the coupling mechanism between lithosphere, atmosphere and ionosphere, the
ionosonde based earthquake (EQ) anomalies provide clear indications for the future events …
ionosonde based earthquake (EQ) anomalies provide clear indications for the future events …
Seismo ionospheric anomalies around and over the epicenters of Pakistan earthquakes
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-based ionospheric anomalies are nowadays
used to identify a possible earthquake (EQ) precursor and hence a new research topic in …
used to identify a possible earthquake (EQ) precursor and hence a new research topic in …
Machine learning-based thermal anomalies detection from MODIS LST associated with the Mw 7.7 Awaran, Pakistan earthquake
Satellite based thermal anomaly occurs as a substantial precursor for strong earthquakes,
as the need for earthquake precursor detection has very important for impending main shock …
as the need for earthquake precursor detection has very important for impending main shock …
Artificial Neural Network based thermal anomalies associated with earthquakes in Pakistan from MODIS LST
There are several reports about thermal anomalies associated with the impending
earthquakes (EQs); among which the underlying mechanism is linked with the main shock …
earthquakes (EQs); among which the underlying mechanism is linked with the main shock …