Rheology of the lithosphere
SH Kirby - Reviews of Geophysics, 1983 - Wiley Online Library
During the quadrennial term 1979–1982, major advances have been made in our
knowledge of the rheology of the oceanic lithosphere by the skillful combination of …
knowledge of the rheology of the oceanic lithosphere by the skillful combination of …
Rheology of the lithosphere: Selected topics
SH Kirby, AK Kronenberg - Reviews of Geophysics, 1987 - Wiley Online Library
We review recent results concerning the rheology of the lithosphere with special attention to
the following topics: 1) the flexure of the oceanic lithosphere, 2) deformation of the …
the following topics: 1) the flexure of the oceanic lithosphere, 2) deformation of the …
[КНИГА][B] Experimental rock deformation: the brittle field
MS Paterson, T Wong - 2005 - Springer
This monograph deals with the part of the field of experimental rock deformation that is
dominated by the phenomena of brittle fracture on one scale or another. Thus a distinction …
dominated by the phenomena of brittle fracture on one scale or another. Thus a distinction …
Dislocation creep regimes in quartz aggregates
G Hirth, JAN Tullis - Journal of structural geology, 1992 - Elsevier
Using optical and TEM microscopy we have determined that three regimes of dislocation
creep occur in experimentally deformed quartz aggregates, depending on the relative rates …
creep occur in experimentally deformed quartz aggregates, depending on the relative rates …
Strength of the lithosphere: Constraints imposed by laboratory experiments
The concept of strength envelopes, developed in the 1970s, allowed quantitative predictions
of the strength of the lithosphere based on experimentally determined constitutive equations …
of the strength of the lithosphere based on experimentally determined constitutive equations …
Brittle failure in compression: splitting faulting and brittle-ductile transition
H Horii, S Nemat-Nasser - Philosophical Transactions of …, 1986 - royalsocietypublishing.org
The micromechanics of brittle failure in compression and the transition from brittle to ductile
failure, observed under increasing confining pressures, are examined in the light of existing …
failure, observed under increasing confining pressures, are examined in the light of existing …
How does the continental crust get really hot?
There is widespread evidence that ultrahigh temperatures of 900–1000° C have been
generated in the Earth's crust repeatedly in time and space. These temperatures were …
generated in the Earth's crust repeatedly in time and space. These temperatures were …
High‐temperature deformation of dry diabase with application to tectonics on Venus
We have performed an experimental study to quantify the high‐temperature creep behavior
of natural diabase rocks under dry deformation conditions. Samples of both Maryland …
of natural diabase rocks under dry deformation conditions. Samples of both Maryland …
Flow properties of continental lithosphere
NL Carter, MC Tsenn - Tectonophysics, 1987 - Elsevier
The occurrence of mechanically weak zones (σ 1− σ 3< 10 MPa) at upper-, mid-and lower
crustal depths, inferred from geological and geophysical observations and interpretations, is …
crustal depths, inferred from geological and geophysical observations and interpretations, is …
Micromechanics of the brittle to plastic transition in Carrara marble
Samples of Carrara marble were deformed at room temperature to varying strains at
confining pressures spanning the range in mechanical behavior from brittle to plastic …
confining pressures spanning the range in mechanical behavior from brittle to plastic …