Promoting the O3 flux concept for European forest trees
Tropospheric ozone (O3) levels are predicted to stay high, being a factor within “global
change” with potential effects on the carbon sink strength of forest trees. Hence, new …
change” with potential effects on the carbon sink strength of forest trees. Hence, new …
Interactions between drought and O3 stress in forest trees
R Matyssek, D Le Thiec, M Löw, P Dizengremel… - Plant …, 2006 - thieme-connect.com
Temperature increase and altered precipitation are facets of “Global Change”, along with
enhanced tropospheric ozone (O 3) and CO 2 levels. Both O 3 and drought may curtail the …
enhanced tropospheric ozone (O 3) and CO 2 levels. Both O 3 and drought may curtail the …
Biomass allocation to roots and shoots is more sensitive to shade and drought in European beech than in Norway spruce seedlings
We investigated the effect of light availability and soil moisture on growth and biomass
partitioning of Norway spruce and European beech seedlings in a three (light availability …
partitioning of Norway spruce and European beech seedlings in a three (light availability …
New critical levels for ozone effects on young trees based on AOT40 and simulated cumulative leaf uptake of ozone
Leaf or needle ozone uptake was estimated for young trees at seven experimental sites
across Europe using a stomatal conductance simulation model. Dose–response …
across Europe using a stomatal conductance simulation model. Dose–response …
Physiological responses of Norway spruce (Picea abies) seedlings to drought stress
Four-year-old seedlings of Picea abies [L.] Karst (Norway spruce) were grown in semi-
controlled conditions with three watering regimes. The seedlings in the control group (c) …
controlled conditions with three watering regimes. The seedlings in the control group (c) …
Extraordinary drought of 2003 overrules ozone impact on adult beech trees (Fagus sylvatica)
M Löw, K Herbinger, AJ Nunn, KH Häberle… - Trees, 2006 - Springer
The extraordinary drought during the summer of 2003 in Central Europe allowed to examine
responses of adult beech trees (Fagus sylvatica) to co-occurring stress by soil moisture …
responses of adult beech trees (Fagus sylvatica) to co-occurring stress by soil moisture …
Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulphur concentration and partitioning in beech ecotypes (Fagus sylvatica L.): phosphorus most affected by drought
AD Peuke, H Rennenberg - Trees, 2004 - Springer
Beech seedlings of different drought sensitivity originating from 11 German provenances
were grown in pots and cultivated in a greenhouse. The present paper aims to give insights …
were grown in pots and cultivated in a greenhouse. The present paper aims to give insights …
Critical Zone Science in the Anthropocene: Opportunities for biogeographic and ecological theory and praxis to drive earth science integration
Critical Zone Science (CZS) represents a powerful confluence of research agendas, tools,
and techniques for examining the complex interactions between biotic and abiotic factors …
and techniques for examining the complex interactions between biotic and abiotic factors …
Ozone will remain a threat for plants independently of nitrogen load
Elevated concentrations of ground‐level ozone (O3) and atmospheric nitrogen (N)
deposition occur concurrently. The negative effects of elevated O3 on plants have been …
deposition occur concurrently. The negative effects of elevated O3 on plants have been …
Influence of water stress and low irradiance on morphological and physiological characteristics of Picea asperata seedlings
Y Yang, Q Liu, C Han, YZ Qiao, XQ Yao, HJ Yin - Photosynthetica, 2007 - Springer
The combined effects of water stress (WS) and low irradiance (LI) on growth, photosynthesis,
osmotic adjustment, and lipid peroxidation were studied in dragon spruce (Picea asperata …
osmotic adjustment, and lipid peroxidation were studied in dragon spruce (Picea asperata …