A global assessment of policy tools to support climate adaptation
Governments, businesses, and civil society organizations have diverse policy tools to
incentivize adaptation. Policy tools can shape the type and extent of adaptation, and …
incentivize adaptation. Policy tools can shape the type and extent of adaptation, and …
[HTML][HTML] “Build back better” approach to disaster recovery: Research trends since 2006
G Fernandez, I Ahmed - Progress in Disaster Science, 2019 - Elsevier
The “build back better”(BBB) approach to disaster recovery was first introduced in 2006 by
the United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery, former US …
the United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery, former US …
A bibliometric analysis and review of building information modelling for post-disaster reconstruction
Post-disaster reconstruction (PDR) is a dynamic, complex system that is chaotic in nature,
and represents many challenges and issues. Recently, building information modelling (BIM) …
and represents many challenges and issues. Recently, building information modelling (BIM) …
[HTML][HTML] Progression through emergency and temporary shelter, transitional housing and permanent housing: A longitudinal case study from the 2018 Lombok …
Increasing quality while reducing the time and costs of progressing disaster-affected
populations from emergency shelter to permanent housing is key for improving post-disaster …
populations from emergency shelter to permanent housing is key for improving post-disaster …
Current state of post-disaster reconstruction projects: a bibliometric analysis
A growing number of large-scale disasters and inefficiencies in reconstruction projects in
recent years necessitated the development of guidelines for completing successful post …
recent years necessitated the development of guidelines for completing successful post …
Agricultural disaster risk management and capability assessment using big data analytics
C Wang, Y Gao, A Aziz, GA Ogunmola - Big data, 2022 - liebertpub.com
Besides many impacts, climate change and the rise of harsh weather have a huge hit that
jeopardizes agricultural sectors. Natural catastrophes, including flooding and wildfires, are …
jeopardizes agricultural sectors. Natural catastrophes, including flooding and wildfires, are …
Türkiye'de artan konut ihtiyacı ve konut sorununun dinamikleri
Barınma, doğal tehlikeler, hastalık, kişisel ve çevresel güvenlik gibi hayatta kalmaya yönelik
ihtiyaçlara ve dayanıklılık oluşturma, normal yaşam sürme, mahremiyet, istikrar gibi sağlıklı …
ihtiyaçlara ve dayanıklılık oluşturma, normal yaşam sürme, mahremiyet, istikrar gibi sağlıklı …
Factors influencing resource availability for post-disaster housing reconstruction: the case of Gaza Strip-Palestine
N Saleh, A Enshassi, M Sundermeier - International Journal of …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Disasters are on increase around the world which resulted in widespread devastation of
houses. For reconstruction projects in post-disaster, it is crucial to understand the success …
houses. For reconstruction projects in post-disaster, it is crucial to understand the success …
The impact of a cyclonic disaster on coastal communities in Bangladesh: Possible community-led interventions towards sustainable disaster recovery
Based on extensive doctoral fieldwork, this article explored the impacts of Cyclone Aila on a
coastal community in Bangladesh and subsequently proposed some community-led …
coastal community in Bangladesh and subsequently proposed some community-led …
[HTML][HTML] The influence of technical assistance and funding on perceptions of post-disaster housing safety after the 2015 Gorkha earthquakes in Nepal
Housing is vital in facilitating a return to normality following a disaster; however, it remains
one of the most challenging and problematic areas of post-disaster assistance. There is a …
one of the most challenging and problematic areas of post-disaster assistance. There is a …