Social media and their affordances for organizing: A review and agenda for research
Social media—computer-mediated tools of the Web 2.0 generation that make it possible for
anyone to create, circulate, share, and exchange information in a variety of formats and with …
anyone to create, circulate, share, and exchange information in a variety of formats and with …
What's different about social media networks? A framework and research agenda
In recent years, we have witnessed the rapid proliferation and widespread adoption of a new
class of information technologies, commonly known as social media. Researchers often rely …
class of information technologies, commonly known as social media. Researchers often rely …
[PDF][PDF] Understanding echo chambers and filter bubbles: The impact of social media on diversification and partisan shifts in news consumption.
Echo chambers and filter bubbles are potent metaphors that encapsulate widespread public
fear that the use of social media may limit the information that users encounter or consume …
fear that the use of social media may limit the information that users encounter or consume …
(Almost) everything in moderation: new evidence on Americans' online media diets
Does the internet facilitate selective exposure to politically congenial content? To answer
this question, I introduce and validate large‐N behavioral data on Americans' online media …
this question, I introduce and validate large‐N behavioral data on Americans' online media …
Fairness in information access systems
Recommendation, information retrieval, and other information access systems pose unique
challenges for investigating and applying the fairness and non-discrimination concepts that …
challenges for investigating and applying the fairness and non-discrimination concepts that …
Gig-workers' motivation: thinking beyond carrots and sticks
Purpose High-quality employee motivation can contribute to an organization's long-term
success by supporting employees' well-being and performance. Nevertheless, there is a …
success by supporting employees' well-being and performance. Nevertheless, there is a …
The international penetration of ibusiness firms: Network effects, liabilities of outsidership and country clout
The burgeoning of ibusiness firms in the modern digital economy challenges the received
internationalization theory. Given that ibusinesses such as social networking sites create …
internationalization theory. Given that ibusinesses such as social networking sites create …
Enterprise social media: Definition, history, and prospects for the study of social technologies in organizations
Social media are increasingly implemented in work organizations as tools for
communication among employees. It is important that we develop an understanding of how …
communication among employees. It is important that we develop an understanding of how …
Exploring the filter bubble: the effect of using recommender systems on content diversity
Eli Pariser coined the term'filter bubble'to describe the potential for online personalization to
effectively isolate people from a diversity of viewpoints or content. Online recommender …
effectively isolate people from a diversity of viewpoints or content. Online recommender …
The contradictory influence of social media affordances on online communal knowledge sharing
The use of social media creates the opportunity to turn organization-wide knowledge
sharing in the workplace from an intermittent, centralized knowledge management process …
sharing in the workplace from an intermittent, centralized knowledge management process …