Can conditions experienced during migration limit the population levels of birds?

I Newton - Journal of Ornithology, 2006‏ - Springer
Populations of migratory birds are usually considered to be limited by conditions in breeding
or wintering areas, but some might be limited by conditions encountered on migration. This …

Population limitation in migrants

I Newton - Ibis, 2004‏ - Wiley Online Library
Unlike resident bird species, the population sizes of migratory species can be influenced by
conditions in more than one part of the world. Changes in the numbers of migrant birds …

[PDF][PDF] Conservation strategy for migratory species

TE Lovejoy, M Sallaberry, SE Senner, A Tarak - Am. Sci, 1987‏ -
Migratory animals derive a blessing and a curse from their itinerant habits. They benefit from
their ability to exploit resources cyclically in places unsuitable for con-tinuous use. But this …

Introduction, dispersal and potential impacts of the green crab Carcinus maenas in San Francisco Bay, California

AN Cohen, JT Carlton, MC Fountain - Marine biology, 1995‏ - Springer
Abstract The North Atlantic portunid crab Carcinus maenas (Linnaeus, 1758) has invaded
the North Pacific Ocean following more than two centuries of global dispersal due to human …

Competition and predation in marine soft-sediment communities

WH Wilson - Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 1990‏ - JSTOR
One of the major goals of community ecology is to understand how in-teractions among the
resident organisms affect their distribution and abun-dance. For terrestrial and rocky …

Evidence of food-based competition among passerine migrants during stopover

FR Moore, W Yong - Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 1991‏ - Springer
Local concentrations of migrating, fat-depleted birds with similar diets can lead to increased
competition for food at a time when energy demand is high. Results of a predator-exclosure …

Sandy beach ecology—a review

A McLachlan - Sandy Beaches as Ecosystems: Based on the …, 1983‏ - Springer
Sandy beaches dominate most temperate and tropical coastlines where they represent both
important recreational assets and buffer zones against the sea. In some areas they are very …

Informed dispersal: prospecting by birds for breeding sites

JM Reed, T Boulinier, E Danchin, LW Oring - Current ornithology, 1999‏ - Springer
The quality of a bird's breeding site is a primary determinant of its success or failure to
reproduce there. We expect birds to devote considerable effort to acquiring accurate …

Stopover and fat deposition by North American wood-warblers (Parulinae) following spring migration over the Gulf of Mexico

F Moore, P Kerlinger - Oecologia, 1987‏ - Springer
Length of stopover and rate of weight gain (fat deposition) were studied in several species of
passerine birds that stopped in southwestern Louisiana along the northern coast of the Gulf …

Travelling on a budget: predictions and ecological evidence for bottlenecks in the annual cycle of long-distance migrants

DM Buehler, T Piersma - Philosophical Transactions of …, 2008‏ -
Long-distance migration, and the study of the migrants who undertake these journeys, has
fascinated generations of biologists. However, many aspects of the annual cycles of these …