[HTML][HTML] Back-arc basins: A global view from geophysical synthesis and analysis
IM Artemieva - Earth-Science Reviews, 2023 - Elsevier
This global study of 31 off-shore back-arc basins and subbasins (BABs) identifies their
principal characteristics based on a broad spectrum of geophysical and subduction-related …
principal characteristics based on a broad spectrum of geophysical and subduction-related …
Microbial ecology of Antarctic aquatic systems
R Cavicchioli - Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2015 - nature.com
The Earth's biosphere is dominated by cold environments, and the cold biosphere is
dominated by microorganisms. Microorganisms in cold Southern Ocean waters are …
dominated by microorganisms. Microorganisms in cold Southern Ocean waters are …
Heat flux distribution of Antarctica unveiled
Antarctica is the largest reservoir of ice on Earth. Understanding its ice sheet dynamics is
crucial to unraveling past global climate change and making robust climatic and sea level …
crucial to unraveling past global climate change and making robust climatic and sea level …
The sensitivity of the Antarctic ice sheet to a changing climate: Past, present, and future
Abstract The Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) is out of equilibrium with the current anthropogenic‐
enhanced climate forcing. Paleoenvironmental records and ice sheet models reveal that the …
enhanced climate forcing. Paleoenvironmental records and ice sheet models reveal that the …
A synthesis of the basal thermal state of the Greenland Ice Sheet
The basal thermal state of an ice sheet (frozen or thawed) is an important control upon its
evolution, dynamics, and response to external forcings. However, this state can only be …
evolution, dynamics, and response to external forcings. However, this state can only be …
Predicting geothermal heat flow in Antarctica with a machine learning approach
We present a machine learning approach to statistically derive geothermal heat flow (GHF)
for Antarctica. The adopted approach estimates GHF from multiple geophysical and …
for Antarctica. The adopted approach estimates GHF from multiple geophysical and …
Geothermal heat flow in Antarctica: current and future directions
A Burton-Johnson, R Dziadek… - The Cryosphere …, 2020 - tc.copernicus.org
Antarctic geothermal heat flow (GHF) affects the temperature of the ice sheet, determining its
ability to slide and internally deform, as well as the behaviour of the continental crust …
ability to slide and internally deform, as well as the behaviour of the continental crust …
A geothermal heat flux map of Antarctica empirically constrained by seismic structure
The geothermal heat flux (GHF) is an important boundary condition for modeling the
movement of the Antarctic ice sheet but is difficult to measure systematically at a continental …
movement of the Antarctic ice sheet but is difficult to measure systematically at a continental …
Water on Mars, with a grain of salt: Local heat anomalies are required for basal melting of ice at the south pole today
Recent analysis of radar data from the Mars Express spacecraft has interpreted bright
subsurface radar reflections as indicators of local liquid water at the base of the south polar …
subsurface radar reflections as indicators of local liquid water at the base of the south polar …
Comparison of geophone and surface-deployed distributed acoustic sensing seismic data
The rapid and nonintrusive deployment of seismic sensors for near-surface geophysical
surveys is of interest to make data acquisition efficient and to operate in a wide variety of …
surveys is of interest to make data acquisition efficient and to operate in a wide variety of …