Extreme value statistics of correlated random variables: a pedagogical review

SN Majumdar, A Pal, G Schehr - Physics Reports, 2020 - Elsevier
Extreme value statistics (EVS) concerns the study of the statistics of the maximum or the
minimum of a set of random variables. This is an important problem for any time-series and …

Progress on the study of the Ginibre ensembles I: GinUE

SS Byun, PJ Forrester - arxiv preprint arxiv:2211.16223, 2022 - arxiv.org
The Ginibre unitary ensemble (GinUE) consists of $ N\times N $ random matrices with
independent complex standard Gaussian entries. This was introduced in 1965 by Ginbre …

Universality of extremal eigenvalues of large random matrices

G Cipolloni, L Erdős, Y Xu - arxiv preprint arxiv:2312.08325, 2023 - arxiv.org
We prove that the spectral radius of a large random matrix $ X $ with independent,
identically distributed complex entries follows the Gumbel law irrespective of the distribution …

First-order global asymptotics for confined particles with singular pair repulsion

D Chafaï, N Gozlan, PA Zitt - 2014 - projecteuclid.org
We study a physical system of N interacting particles in R^d, d\geq1, subject to pair
repulsion and confined by an external field. We establish a large deviations principle for …

[КНИГА][B] Progress on the Study of the Ginibre Ensembles

SS Byun, PJ Forrester - 2025 - library.oapen.org
This open access book focuses on the Ginibre ensembles that are non-Hermitian random
matrices proposed by Ginibre in 1965. Since that time, they have enjoyed prominence within …

Universality at weak and strong non-Hermiticity beyond the elliptic Ginibre ensemble

G Akemann, M Cikovic, M Venker - Communications in Mathematical …, 2018 - Springer
We consider non-Gaussian extensions of the elliptic Ginibre ensemble of complex non-
Hermitian random matrices by fixing the trace Tr (XX*) of the matrix X with a hard or soft …

Convergence of the spectral radius of a random matrix through its characteristic polynomial

C Bordenave, D Chafaï, D García-Zelada - Probability Theory and Related …, 2022 - Springer
Consider a square random matrix with independent and identically distributed entries of
mean zero and unit variance. We show that as the dimension tends to infinity, the spectral …

Intermediate deviation regime for the full eigenvalue statistics in the complex Ginibre ensemble

B Lacroix-A-Chez-Toine, JAM Garzón, CSH Calva… - Physical Review E, 2019 - APS
We study the Ginibre ensemble of N× N complex random matrices and compute exactly, for
any finite N, the full distribution as well as all the cumulants of the number N r of eigenvalues …

Random normal matrices in the almost-circular regime

SS Byun, SM Seo - Bernoulli, 2023 - projecteuclid.org
We study random normal matrix models whose eigenvalues tend to be distributed within a
narrow “band” around the unit circle of width proportional to 1∕ n, where n is the size of …

[PDF][PDF] A localization theorem for the planar Coulomb gas in an external field

Y Ameur - 2021 - projecteuclid.org
We examine a two-dimensional Coulomb gas consisting of n identical repelling point
charges at an arbitrary inverse temperature β, subjected to a suitable external field. We …