[CARTE][B] Multiple time scale dynamics

C Kuehn - 2015 - Springer
This book aims to provide an introduction to dynamical systems with multiple time scales. As
in any overview book, several topics are covered only quite briefly. My aim was to focus on …

[CARTE][B] Stochastic partial differential equations: an introduction

W Liu, M Röckner - 2015 - books.google.com
This book provides an introduction to the theory of stochastic partial differential equations
(SPDEs) of evolutionary type. SPDEs are one of the main research directions in probability …

[CARTE][B] Effective dynamics of stochastic partial differential equations

J Duan, W Wang - 2014 - books.google.com
Effective Dynamics of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations focuses on stochastic partial
differential equations with slow and fast time scales, or large and small spatial scales. The …

[CARTE][B] Random Perturbation of PDEs and Fluid Dynamic Models: École d'été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XL–2010

F Flandoli - 2011 - books.google.com
This volume deals with the random perturbation of PDEs which lack well-posedness, mainly
because of their non-uniqueness, in some cases because of blow-up. The aim is to show …

[CARTE][B] Stochastic partial differential equations

SV Lototsky, BL Rozovsky - 2017 - Springer
There are textbooks and there are research monographs. Some believe that a research
monograph is supposed to bore rather than batter. The following quotation is attributed to …

[CARTE][B] Stochastic parameterizing manifolds and non-Markovian reduced equations: stochastic manifolds for nonlinear SPDEs II

MD Chekroun, H Liu, S Wang - 2014 - books.google.com
In this second volume, a general approach is developed to provide approximate
parameterizations of the" small" scales by the" large" ones for a broad class of stochastic …

[CARTE][B] Approximation of stochastic invariant manifolds: stochastic manifolds for nonlinear SPDEs I

MD Chekroun, H Liu, S Wang - 2015 - Springer
The intriguing figure from the previous page presents a visualization of the type of manifolds
this monograph is concerned with. First, obtained as a graph over some chosen linearized …

[HTML][HTML] Reduction methods in climate dynamics—a brief review

F Hummel, P Ashwin, C Kuehn - Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2023 - Elsevier
Currently the number of reduction methods used in practice in climate applications is vast
and tends to be difficult to access for researchers searching for an overview of the area. In …

[CARTE][B] PDE dynamics: an introduction

C Kuehn - 2019 - SIAM
PDE Dynamics: An Introduction: Back Matter Page 1 Bibliography [1] J. Aaronson. An
Introduction to Infinite Ergodic Theory. AMS, 1997. (Cited on p. 181) [2] H. Abels, H. Garcke …

A general framework for stochastic traveling waves and patterns, with application to neural field equations

J Inglis, J MacLaurin - SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 2016 - SIAM
In this paper we present a general framework in which to rigorously study the effect of spatio-
temporal noise on traveling waves and stationary patterns. In particular, the framework can …