Single-photon sources with quantum dots in III–V nanowires
Single-photon sources are one of the key components in quantum photonics applications.
These sources ideally emit a single photon at a time, are highly efficient, and could be …
These sources ideally emit a single photon at a time, are highly efficient, and could be …
Highly indistinguishable on-demand resonance fluorescence photons from a deterministic quantum dot micropillar device with 74% extraction efficiency
The implementation and engineering of bright and coherent solid state quantum light
sources is key for the realization of both on chip and remote quantum networks. Despite …
sources is key for the realization of both on chip and remote quantum networks. Despite …
[HTML][HTML] Planar microcavities: Materials and processing for light control
Microcavities are a class of optical structures providing a versatile approach to engineering
light matter interactions. In light of recent developments in materials processing …
light matter interactions. In light of recent developments in materials processing …
Mode interference effect in optical emission of quantum dots in photonic crystal cavities
Radiation properties of a pointlike source of light, such as a molecule or a semiconductor
quantum dot, can be tailored by modifying its photonic environment. This phenomenon lies …
quantum dot, can be tailored by modifying its photonic environment. This phenomenon lies …
Frequency noise of laser gyros
A Mecozzi - Optica, 2023 - opg.optica.org
Laser gyros are powerful tools used to test the predictions of the general theory of relativity.
The precision of a measurement of the rotation rate with a laser gyro is limited by the …
The precision of a measurement of the rotation rate with a laser gyro is limited by the …
Integrating photoluminescent nanomaterials with photonic nanostructures
Photoluminescence is a light-matter interaction phenomenon of utmost interest for research
and technological innovation. Luminescent materials posses several characteristics, such as …
and technological innovation. Luminescent materials posses several characteristics, such as …
Spatial photoluminescence and lifetime map**s of quasi-2D perovskites coupled with a dielectric metasurface
Light–matter interaction between quantum emitters and optical cavities plays a vital role in
fundamental quantum photonics and the development of optoelectronics. Resonant …
fundamental quantum photonics and the development of optoelectronics. Resonant …
Suppression of background emission for efficient single-photon generation in micropillar cavities
BY Wang, T Häyrynen, L Vannucci… - Applied Physics …, 2021 - pubs.aip.org
We optimize the efficiency of a quantum-dot-based micropillar single-photon source by
minimizing the spontaneous emission into unwanted background modes. We perform a …
minimizing the spontaneous emission into unwanted background modes. We perform a …
Exhibition of Förster resonance energy transfer from CdSe/ZnS quantum dots to zinc porphyrazine studied in solution
Molecular level interaction between CdSe/ZnS core-shell quantum dots (QD) and zinc
porphyrazine (1) is studied in solution by means of UV–vis spectroscopy, steady state …
porphyrazine (1) is studied in solution by means of UV–vis spectroscopy, steady state …
Design and fabrication of bi-functional TiO2/Al2O3 nanolaminates with selected light extraction and reliable moisture vapor barrier performance
Y Weng, G Chen, X Zhou, Q Yan, T Guo… - Nanotechnology, 2018 - iopscience.iop.org
Bi-functional thin film with both selected light extraction and reliable moisture vapor barrier
was proposed for simultaneous light management and encapsulation in the fields of lighting …
was proposed for simultaneous light management and encapsulation in the fields of lighting …