Mechanical bistability in Kerr-modified cavity magnomechanics

RC Shen, J Li, ZY Fan, YP Wang, JQ You - Physical Review Letters, 2022‏ - APS
Bistable mechanical vibration is observed in a cavity magnomechanical system, which
consists of a microwave cavity mode, a magnon mode, and a mechanical vibration mode of …

Cavity magnomechanics: from classical to quantum

X Zuo, ZY Fan, H Qian, MS Ding, H Tan… - New Journal of …, 2024‏ -
Hybrid quantum systems based on magnons in magnetic materials have made significant
progress in the past decade. They are built based on the couplings of magnons with …
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A Sohail, JX Peng, A Hidki, M Khalid, SK Singh - Scientific Reports, 2023‏ -
We theoretically propose a scheme to generate distant bipartite entanglement between
various subsystems in coupled magnomechanical systems where both the microwave …

Dissipative-coupling-induced transparency and high-order sidebands with Kerr nonlinearity in a cavity-magnonics system

C Zhao, Z Yang, R Peng, J Yang, C Li, L Zhou - Physical Review Applied, 2022‏ - APS
In the past few years, the emerging photon-magnon dissipative coupling offers us an
effective way to design and exploit losses to fulfill quantum tasks in hybrid cavity magnonics …