Landscape–wildfire interactions in southern Europe: implications for landscape management
Every year approximately half a million hectares of land are burned by wildfires in southern
Europe, causing large ecological and socio-economic impacts. Climate and land use …
Europe, causing large ecological and socio-economic impacts. Climate and land use …
Comparison and ranking of different modelling techniques for prediction of site index in Mediterranean mountain forests
Forestry science has a long tradition of studying the relationship between stand productivity
and abiotic and biotic site characteristics, such as climate, topography, soil and vegetation …
and abiotic and biotic site characteristics, such as climate, topography, soil and vegetation …
Height variation hypothesis: A new approach for estimating forest species diversity with CHM LiDAR data
An indirect method for estimating biodiversity from Earth observations is the Spectral
Variation Hypothesis (SVH). SVH states that the higher the spatial variability of the spectral …
Variation Hypothesis (SVH). SVH states that the higher the spatial variability of the spectral …
[HTML][HTML] Which Are the Best Site and Stand Conditions for Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.) Located in the Carpathian Mountains?
Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) is one of the most valuable and productive tree species across
European mountains, that accomplish multiple economic, protective and ecologic functions …
European mountains, that accomplish multiple economic, protective and ecologic functions …
[HTML][HTML] Potential extinction risk of Juniperus phoenicea under global climate change: Towards conservation planning
Global change effects on species are most pronounced when there is a large mismatch
between past climate conditions, and the present climate, and this chasm will grow as global …
between past climate conditions, and the present climate, and this chasm will grow as global …
Drought responses and their effects on radial stem growth of two co-occurring conifer species in the Mediterranean mountain range
Key message Patterns of stem radial variations showed that Cedrus libani A. Rich. was less
limited by summer drought than co-occurring Juniperus excelsa M. Bieb. Cedrus libani …
limited by summer drought than co-occurring Juniperus excelsa M. Bieb. Cedrus libani …
The geomorphological regions of Turkey
The core of Turkey's land is the Anatolian Peninsula, which is surrounded by several seas
(Mediterranean, Aegean, Marmara and Black Sea). Offering a high variety of morphological …
(Mediterranean, Aegean, Marmara and Black Sea). Offering a high variety of morphological …
Efficient assessment of topographic solar radiation to improve plant distribution models
Plant ecologists have recognised the importance of solar radiation for decades but have
difficulty measuring it on plots. Proxies recorded on the ground or geographical information …
difficulty measuring it on plots. Proxies recorded on the ground or geographical information …
[HTML][HTML] Structural characteristics of the main resinous stands from Southern Carpathians, Romania
The purpose of this study, which contains historical data recorded over a period of 40 years,
was to identify the main factors that influence and control the level of wood mass production …
was to identify the main factors that influence and control the level of wood mass production …
M editerranean and temperate treelines are controlled by different environmental drivers
The growth limitation hypothesis (GLH) is the most accepted explanation for treeline
formation, but it has been scarcely examined in Mediterranean regions, where treelines are …
formation, but it has been scarcely examined in Mediterranean regions, where treelines are …