Recent developments in the application of membrane separation technology and its challenges in oil-water separation: A review
B Li, B Qi, Z Guo, D Wang, T Jiao - Chemosphere, 2023 - Elsevier
In the development and production process of domestic and foreign oil fields, large amounts
of oil-bearing wastewater with complex compositions containing toxic and harmful pollutants …
of oil-bearing wastewater with complex compositions containing toxic and harmful pollutants …
Current research situation and future prospect of superwetting smart oil/water separation materials
B ** advanced superwetting oil/water separation materials with controlled wettability,
excellent selectivity and sustainable separation is a persistent pursuit for researchers …
excellent selectivity and sustainable separation is a persistent pursuit for researchers …
Robust superhydrophobicity: mechanisms and strategies
Superhydrophobic surfaces hold great prospects for extremely diverse applications owing to
their water repellence property. The essential feature of superhydrophobicity is micro-/nano …
their water repellence property. The essential feature of superhydrophobicity is micro-/nano …
Porous materials for water purification
Water pollution is a growing threat to humanity due to the pervasiveness of contaminants in
water bodies. Significant efforts have been made to separate these hazardous components …
water bodies. Significant efforts have been made to separate these hazardous components …
A comprehensive review on the behavior and evolution of oil droplets during oil/water separation by membranes
J Zhang, K Peng, ZK Xu, Y **ong, J Liu, C Cai… - Advances in Colloid and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Membrane separation technology has significant advantages for treating oil-in-water
emulsions. Understanding the evolution of oil droplets could reveal the interfacial and …
emulsions. Understanding the evolution of oil droplets could reveal the interfacial and …
Bio-based materials with special wettability for oil-water separation
Oil leakage and the discharge of organic wastewater have not only threatened the
ecosystem, but also greatly aggravated water scarcity. The separation of oil-water mixture …
ecosystem, but also greatly aggravated water scarcity. The separation of oil-water mixture …
Separation mechanism and construction of surfaces with special wettability for oil/water separation
Oil leakage and the discharge of oil/water mixtures by domestic and industrial consumers
have caused not only severe environmental pollution and a threat to all species in the …
have caused not only severe environmental pollution and a threat to all species in the …
Sodium alginate-based functional materials toward sustainable applications: Water treatment and energy storage
Most synthetic materials used in water treatment and energy storage are nonbiodegradable
and nonrenewable, causing the generation of massive electronic wastes and discarded …
and nonrenewable, causing the generation of massive electronic wastes and discarded …
Bioinspired superwetting oil–water separation strategy: toward the era of openness
Bioinspired superwetting oil–water separation strategies have received significant attention
for their potential in addressing global water scarcity and aquatic pollution challenges. Over …
for their potential in addressing global water scarcity and aquatic pollution challenges. Over …
Preparation of antifouling and highly hydrophobic cellulose nanofibers/alginate aerogels by bidirectional freeze-drying for water-oil separation in the ocean …
Oil spills frequently occur in the ocean, and adsorption is one of the effective ways to deal
with oil spills. Compared with other adsorbent materials, biomass aerogel has superior …
with oil spills. Compared with other adsorbent materials, biomass aerogel has superior …