A comprehensive bibliometric and content analysis of artificial intelligence in language learning: Tracing between the years 2017 and 2023
The rising pervasiveness of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has led applied linguists to combine it
with language teaching and learning processes. In many cases, such implementation has …
with language teaching and learning processes. In many cases, such implementation has …
Computer-assisted second language vocabulary instruction: A meta-analysis.
YH Chiu - British Journal of Educational Technology, 2013 - search.ebscohost.com
The article focuses on a meta-analysis of the use of computer-mediated instruction in
second language vocabulary instruction. It examines the overall effect of computer-mediated …
second language vocabulary instruction. It examines the overall effect of computer-mediated …
Using ubiquitous games in an English listening and speaking course: Impact on learning outcomes and motivation
TY Liu, YL Chu - Computers & Education, 2010 - Elsevier
This paper reports the results of a study which aimed to investigate how ubiquitous games
influence English learning achievement and motivation through a context-aware ubiquitous …
influence English learning achievement and motivation through a context-aware ubiquitous …
Vocabulary learning strategies and foreign language acquisition
The book discusses vocabulary learning strategies as an integral subgroup of language
learning strategies. It attempts to integrate the approaches of theories of second language …
learning strategies. It attempts to integrate the approaches of theories of second language …
A personalized recommendation-based mobile learning approach to improving the reading performance of EFL students
In this paper, a personalized recommendation-based mobile language learning approach is
proposed. A mobile learning system has been developed based on the approach by …
proposed. A mobile learning system has been developed based on the approach by …
Personalized mobile English vocabulary learning system based on item response theory and learning memory cycle
Since learning English is very popular in non-English speaking countries, develo**
modern assisted-learning tools that support effective English learning is a critical issue in the …
modern assisted-learning tools that support effective English learning is a critical issue in the …
A mobile-assisted synchronously collaborative translation–annotation system for English as a foreign language (EFL) reading comprehension
This research introduced mobile devices into an intensive reading course and allowed
functions that are usually found only in the language laboratory to be easily and flexibly …
functions that are usually found only in the language laboratory to be easily and flexibly …
Play games or study? Computer games in eBooks to learn English vocabulary
This study investigated how Chinese undergraduate college students studying English as a
foreign language learned new vocabulary with inference-based computer games embedded …
foreign language learned new vocabulary with inference-based computer games embedded …
Effects of a vocabulary acquisition and assessment system on students' performance in a blended learning class for English subject
Vocabulary acquisition and assessment are regarded as the key basis for the instruction of
English as a second language. However, it is time-consuming, fallible and repetitive for the …
English as a second language. However, it is time-consuming, fallible and repetitive for the …
Analysis of the effect a student-centred mobile learning instructional method has on language acquisition
In this study a self-paced instructional method based on the use of Apple's iPod Touch
personal mobile devices to deliver content was compared with a group-oriented instructional …
personal mobile devices to deliver content was compared with a group-oriented instructional …