” Chat Has No Chill”: A Novel Physiological Interaction For Engaging Live Streaming Audiences

RB Robinson, R Rheeder, M Klarkowski… - Proceedings of the 2022 …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
Now more than ever, people are using online platforms to communicate. Twitch, the
foremost platform for live game streaming, offers many communication modalities. However …

Pulling back the curtain on the Wizards of Oz

M Porcheron, JE Fischer, S Reeves - … of the ACM on Human-Computer …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
The Wizard of Oz method is an increasingly common practice in HCI and CSCW studies as
part of iterative design processes for interactive systems. Instead of designing a fully-fledged …

A conversation between trees: what data feels like in the forest

R Jacobs, S Benford, M Selby, M Golembewski… - Proceedings of the …, 2013 - dl.acm.org
A study of an interactive artwork shows how artists engaged the public with scientific climate
change data. The artwork visualised live environmental data collected from remote trees …

Am I in the theater? Usability study of live performance based virtual reality

L He, H Li, T Xue, D Sun, S Zhu, G Ding - Proceedings of the 24th ACM …, 2018 - dl.acm.org
Duplicating the audience experience of an art performance with VR technology is a
promising VR application, which is considered to provide better viewer experience than the …

The practices of programming

I Bergström, AF Blackwell - 2016 ieee symposium on visual …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
How diverse are the ways that programming is done? While a variety of accounts exist, each
appears in isolation, neither framed in terms of a distinct practice, nor as one of many such …

Intermodulation: improvisation and collaborative art practice for hci

L Kang, SJ Jackson, P Sengers - … of the 2018 CHI conference on human …, 2018 - dl.acm.org
This paper integrates theory, ethnography, and collaborative artwork to explore
improvisational activity as both topic and tool of multidisciplinary HCI inquiry. Building on …

Producing liveness: The trials of moving folk clubs online during the global pandemic

S Benford, P Mansfield, J Spence - … of the 2021 CHI Conference on …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
The global pandemic has driven musicians online. We report an ethnographic account of
how two traditional folk clubs with little previous interest in digital platforms transitioned to …

[PDF][PDF] Archival Liveness: Designing with Collections Before and During Cataloguing and Digitization.

T Schofield, D Kirk, T Amaral, M Dörk… - DHQ: Digital …, 2015 - drive.google.com
We present “archival liveness” as a concept in design and the Digital Humanities and
describe its development within a Research Through Design process. Working with a newly …

The Show Must Go Wrong: Towards an understanding of audience perception of error in digital musical instrument performance

SMA Bin - 2018 - qmro.qmul.ac.uk
This thesis is about DMI (digital musical instrument) performance, its audiences, and their
perception of error. The goal of this research is to improve current understanding of how …

Understanding music interaction, and why it matters

S Holland, T Mudd, K Wilkie-McKenna… - New directions in music …, 2019 - Springer
This is the introductory chapter of a book dedicated to new research in, and emerging new
understandings of, music and human-computer interaction—known for short as music …