[КНИГА][B] Evaluating children's interactive products: principles and practices for interaction designers

P Markopoulos, JC Read, S MacFarlane, J Hoysniemi - 2008 - books.google.com
Evaluating Children's Interactive Products directly addresses the need to ensure that
interactive products designed for children—whether toys, games, educational products, or …

[КНИГА][B] User experience re-mastered: your guide to getting the right design

C Wilson - 2009 - books.google.com
User Experience Re-Mastered: Your Guide to Getting the Right Design provides an
understanding of key design and development processes aimed at enhancing the user …

Cross‐cultural design

T Plocher, PLP Rau, YY Choong… - Handbook of human …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
People with different cultural backgrounds think and behave differently. Designing user
interfaces and products for different cultures also affects human factors design methodology …

[КНИГА][B] Cross-cultural design for IT products and services

PLP Rau, T Plocher, YY Choong - 2012 - books.google.com
With the increase of globalization of business and industry, IT products and services are
often produced and marketed across geographical cultural boundaries without adequate …

Exploring solutions to the privacy paradox in the context of e-assessment: informed consent revisited

E Muravyeva, J Janssen, M Specht… - Ethics and Information …, 2020 - Springer
Personal data use is increasingly permeating our everyday life. Informed consent for
personal data use is a central instrument for ensuring the protection of personal data …

[PDF][PDF] Usability testing

JS Dumas, JE Fox - The human-computer interaction handbook …, 2012 - jedbrubaker.com
We begin this chapter by defining usability testing, examining both what is and is not
required for a usability test and reiterating the important point that you should test early and …

Remote observation strategies for usability testing

SM Thompson - Information technology and libraries, 2003 - search.proquest.com
Observation is the cornerstone of usability testing and an important strategy in evaluating
library Web sites. Traditionally, test administrators have directly observed test users as they …

E-voting system usability: Lessons for interface design, user studies, and usability criteria

MM Olembo, M Volkamer - Human-Centered System Design for …, 2013 - igi-global.com
The authors present a literature review, carried out by searching through conference
proceedings, journal articles, and other secondary sources for papers focusing on the …

[PDF][PDF] Human-moderated remote user testing: Protocols and applications

A Vasalou, BD Ng, P Wiemer-Hastings… - 8th ERCIM workshop …, 2004 - reed.cs.depaul.edu
Local user testing accrues high costs when solely relied on during the iterative cycle of
usercentered design. A number of automatic evaluation methods have emerged with the aim …

[PDF][PDF] Käytettävyyden arviointimenetelmät

J Mustaniemi - 2009 - jyx.jyu.fi
Tutkielman perusteella voidaan havaita, että erilaisia käytettävyyden arviointimenetelmiä on
olemassa lukuisia. Menetelmät eroavat huomattavasti toisistaan, ja kullakin menetelmällä …