[КНИГА][B] Evaluating children's interactive products: principles and practices for interaction designers
P Markopoulos, JC Read, S MacFarlane, J Hoysniemi - 2008 - books.google.com
Evaluating Children's Interactive Products directly addresses the need to ensure that
interactive products designed for children—whether toys, games, educational products, or …
interactive products designed for children—whether toys, games, educational products, or …
[КНИГА][B] User experience re-mastered: your guide to getting the right design
C Wilson - 2009 - books.google.com
User Experience Re-Mastered: Your Guide to Getting the Right Design provides an
understanding of key design and development processes aimed at enhancing the user …
understanding of key design and development processes aimed at enhancing the user …
Cross‐cultural design
People with different cultural backgrounds think and behave differently. Designing user
interfaces and products for different cultures also affects human factors design methodology …
interfaces and products for different cultures also affects human factors design methodology …
[КНИГА][B] Cross-cultural design for IT products and services
With the increase of globalization of business and industry, IT products and services are
often produced and marketed across geographical cultural boundaries without adequate …
often produced and marketed across geographical cultural boundaries without adequate …
Exploring solutions to the privacy paradox in the context of e-assessment: informed consent revisited
Personal data use is increasingly permeating our everyday life. Informed consent for
personal data use is a central instrument for ensuring the protection of personal data …
personal data use is a central instrument for ensuring the protection of personal data …
[PDF][PDF] Usability testing
JS Dumas, JE Fox - The human-computer interaction handbook …, 2012 - jedbrubaker.com
We begin this chapter by defining usability testing, examining both what is and is not
required for a usability test and reiterating the important point that you should test early and …
required for a usability test and reiterating the important point that you should test early and …
Remote observation strategies for usability testing
SM Thompson - Information technology and libraries, 2003 - search.proquest.com
Observation is the cornerstone of usability testing and an important strategy in evaluating
library Web sites. Traditionally, test administrators have directly observed test users as they …
library Web sites. Traditionally, test administrators have directly observed test users as they …
E-voting system usability: Lessons for interface design, user studies, and usability criteria
The authors present a literature review, carried out by searching through conference
proceedings, journal articles, and other secondary sources for papers focusing on the …
proceedings, journal articles, and other secondary sources for papers focusing on the …
[PDF][PDF] Human-moderated remote user testing: Protocols and applications
Local user testing accrues high costs when solely relied on during the iterative cycle of
usercentered design. A number of automatic evaluation methods have emerged with the aim …
usercentered design. A number of automatic evaluation methods have emerged with the aim …
[PDF][PDF] Käytettävyyden arviointimenetelmät
J Mustaniemi - 2009 - jyx.jyu.fi
Tutkielman perusteella voidaan havaita, että erilaisia käytettävyyden arviointimenetelmiä on
olemassa lukuisia. Menetelmät eroavat huomattavasti toisistaan, ja kullakin menetelmällä …
olemassa lukuisia. Menetelmät eroavat huomattavasti toisistaan, ja kullakin menetelmällä …