[KNYGA][B] The politics of congressional elections
GC Jacobson, JL Carson - 2019 - books.google.com
Jacobson and Carson provide students with a comprehensive introduction to congressional
elections and the electoral process. The tenth edition offers an engaging examination of …
elections and the electoral process. The tenth edition offers an engaging examination of …
[KNYGA][B] American public opinion: Its origins, content, and impact
RS Erikson, KL Tedin - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Providing an in-depth analysis of public opinion, including its origins in political
socialization, its role in the electoral process, and the impact of the media, American Public …
socialization, its role in the electoral process, and the impact of the media, American Public …
Bad politicians
We present a simple theory of the quality (competence and honesty) of elected officials. Our
theory offers three main insights. Low-quality citizens have a 'comparative advantage'in …
theory offers three main insights. Low-quality citizens have a 'comparative advantage'in …
What happens when extremists win primaries?
AB Hall - American Political Science Review, 2015 - cambridge.org
This article studies the interplay of US primary and general elections. I examine how the
nomination of an extremist changes general-election outcomes and legislative behavior in …
nomination of an extremist changes general-election outcomes and legislative behavior in …
Falls from grace and the hazards of high status: The 2009 British MP expense scandal and its impact on parliamentary elites
Although the benefits of high status are well documented, in this research we explore the
potential hazards associated with high status that have increasingly been implicated in …
potential hazards associated with high status that have increasingly been implicated in …
Legislative malfeasance and political accountability
Utilizing a unique data set from the Italian Ministry of Justice reporting the transmission to the
Chamber of Deputies of more than the thousand requests for the removal of parliamentary …
Chamber of Deputies of more than the thousand requests for the removal of parliamentary …
The effects of charges of corruption on voting behavior in congressional elections, 1982-1990
S Welch, JR Hibbing - The Journal of Politics, 1997 - journals.uchicago.edu
Fifteen years ago, Peters and Welch investigated the effects of corruption charges on the
outcomes of US House elections. Their evidence from 1968 to 1978 indicated that charges …
outcomes of US House elections. Their evidence from 1968 to 1978 indicated that charges …
[KNYGA][B] Elbridge Gerry's salamander: The electoral consequences of the reapportionment revolution
The Supreme Court's reapportionment decisions, beginning with Baker v. Carr in 1962, had
far more than jurisprudential consequences. They sparked a massive wave of extraordinary …
far more than jurisprudential consequences. They sparked a massive wave of extraordinary …
A political economy model of congressional careers
Our main goal is to quantify the returns to a career in the United States Congress. We specify
a dynamic model of career decisions of a member of Congress andestimate this model …
a dynamic model of career decisions of a member of Congress andestimate this model …
MPs for sale? Returns to office in postwar British politics
Many recent studies show that firms profit from connections to influential politicians, but less
is known about how much politicians financially benefit from wielding political influence. We …
is known about how much politicians financially benefit from wielding political influence. We …