The impact of artificial light at night on nocturnal insects: a review and synthesis
In recent decades, advances in lighting technology have precipitated exponential increases
in night sky brightness worldwide, raising concerns in the scientific community about the …
in night sky brightness worldwide, raising concerns in the scientific community about the …
A framework to assess evolutionary responses to anthropogenic light and sound
Human activities have caused a near-ubiquitous and evolutionarily-unprecedented increase
in environmental sound levels and artificial night lighting. These stimuli reorganize …
in environmental sound levels and artificial night lighting. These stimuli reorganize …
A global perspective on firefly extinction threats
Insect declines and their drivers have attracted considerable recent attention. Fireflies and
glowworms are iconic insects whose conspicuous bioluminescent courtship displays carry …
glowworms are iconic insects whose conspicuous bioluminescent courtship displays carry …
Experimental tests of light-pollution impacts on nocturnal insect courtship and dispersal
Though a number of effects of artificial light pollution on behavior and physiology have been
described, there is little understanding of their consequences for the growth and distribution …
described, there is little understanding of their consequences for the growth and distribution …
Light pollution may create demographic traps for nocturnal insects
Light pollution impacts both intra-and inter-specific interactions, such as interactions
between mates and predator–prey interactions. In mobile organisms attracted to artificial …
between mates and predator–prey interactions. In mobile organisms attracted to artificial …
Conservation implications of anthropogenic impacts on visual communication and camouflage
Anthropogenic environmental impacts can disrupt the sensory environment of animals and
affect important processes from mate choice to predator avoidance. Currently, these effects …
affect important processes from mate choice to predator avoidance. Currently, these effects …
Short- and mid-wavelength artificial light influences the flash signals of Aquatica ficta fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae)
Urbanization can radically disrupt natural ecosystems through alteration of the sensory
environment. Habitat disturbances are predicted to favor behaviorally flexible species …
environment. Habitat disturbances are predicted to favor behaviorally flexible species …
[PDF][PDF] Systematic review of the firefly genus Amydetes Illiger, 1807 (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), with description of 13 new species
A systematic review of Amydetes Illiger, 1807, based on examination of the type-material.
We fix A. fastigiata Illiger, 1807 as the type-species of the genus; redescribe the genus and …
We fix A. fastigiata Illiger, 1807 as the type-species of the genus; redescribe the genus and …
Fireflies and land use in an urban landscape: the case of Luciola italica L. (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) in the city of Turin
MS Picchi, L Avolio, L Azzani, O Brombin… - Journal of insect …, 2013 - Springer
Research was carried out in the city of Turin (Northern Italy) in order to assess the suitability
of the urban environment for fireflies. The study started in 2007 with an artistic and scientific …
of the urban environment for fireflies. The study started in 2007 with an artistic and scientific …
Natural history of the fireflies of the Serra dos Órgãos mountain range (Brazil: Rio de Janeiro)–one of the 'hottest'firefly spots on Earth, with a key to genera (Coleoptera …
ABSTRACT Fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) are charismatic insects that have been fruitful
model systems in biotechnology. However, lack of information about firefly taxonomy and …
model systems in biotechnology. However, lack of information about firefly taxonomy and …