Intergroup emotions theory: Production, regulation, and modification of group-based emotions
Emotions are a ubiquitous aspect of interaction between groups. As described in Intergroup
Emotions Theory (IET; Mackie, Devos, & Smith, 2000; Smith, 1993), intergroup emotions are …
Emotions Theory (IET; Mackie, Devos, & Smith, 2000; Smith, 1993), intergroup emotions are …
What we talk about when we talk about hope: A prototype analysis.
Although hope is a well-studied topic, there is no consensus on its definition. Using a
prototype analysis (a bottom-up approach collecting laypeople's views on hope), the present …
prototype analysis (a bottom-up approach collecting laypeople's views on hope), the present …
Imagining a positive future: desirability and possibility as possible pathways to Hope and commitment to collective action
We investigate if and how imagining a positive future where a societal issue has been
rectified can promote hope and support for collective action. Participants imagined (vs. not) a …
rectified can promote hope and support for collective action. Participants imagined (vs. not) a …
Confusing hope and optimism when prospects are good: A matter of language pragmatics or conceptual equivalence?
In psychology, the concepts of hope and optimism are often treated interchangeably or not
clearly delineated from each other. We argue that hope and optimism are conceptually …
clearly delineated from each other. We argue that hope and optimism are conceptually …
Loneliness in the workplace: feelings and expressivity of hotel employees
Loneliness in the workplace: feelings and expressivity of hotel employees | Emerald Insight
Books and journals Case studies Expert Briefings Open Access Publish with us Advanced …
Books and journals Case studies Expert Briefings Open Access Publish with us Advanced …
Does hope mediate the relationship between parent's resolution of their child's autism diagnosis and parental stress
Introduction Resolution of a child's diagnosis, the process of accepting and adjusting to the
reality of a child's significant diagnosis, has been often associated with decreased parental …
reality of a child's significant diagnosis, has been often associated with decreased parental …
Apology and its acceptance: Perceived reconciliatory attitudes reduce outgroup dehumanization
Based on real-life intergroup animosities originating from a historical conflict, the current
study examined how the perceived stance of the outgroup about the conflict affects the …
study examined how the perceived stance of the outgroup about the conflict affects the …
Intergroup forgiveness
DR Van Tongeren, R Lindemann - Handbook of forgiveness, 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Research on intergroup forgiveness is accelerating. Intergroup forgiveness is an
interpersonal process by which an individual offers forgiveness toward a group for an …
interpersonal process by which an individual offers forgiveness toward a group for an …
Apologizing for Intergroup Criticism Reduces Rejection of Public Health Officials' Pro-Vaccine Messages
Compared to other medical experts, public health officials face added scrutiny of their pro-
vaccine messages due to distrust of the US federal government. We consider reactions to …
vaccine messages due to distrust of the US federal government. We consider reactions to …
Forgiveness, reconciliation, and peace between groups
M Wenzel - Handbook of forgiveness, 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Groups can inflict unspeakable violence and hurt on other groups, transgressing accepted
rules and morals in form of repression, persecution, war crimes, or genocide. Although the …
rules and morals in form of repression, persecution, war crimes, or genocide. Although the …