Intergroup emotions theory: Production, regulation, and modification of group-based emotions

DM Mackie, ER Smith - Advances in experimental social psychology, 2018 - Elsevier
Emotions are a ubiquitous aspect of interaction between groups. As described in Intergroup
Emotions Theory (IET; Mackie, Devos, & Smith, 2000; Smith, 1993), intergroup emotions are …

What we talk about when we talk about hope: A prototype analysis.

SX Luo, F Van Horen, K Millet, M Zeelenberg - Emotion, 2022 -
Although hope is a well-studied topic, there is no consensus on its definition. Using a
prototype analysis (a bottom-up approach collecting laypeople's views on hope), the present …

Imagining a positive future: desirability and possibility as possible pathways to Hope and commitment to collective action

M Wenzel, J Love, EF Thomas - Imagination, Cognition and …, 2024 -
We investigate if and how imagining a positive future where a societal issue has been
rectified can promote hope and support for collective action. Participants imagined (vs. not) a …

Confusing hope and optimism when prospects are good: A matter of language pragmatics or conceptual equivalence?

SM Bury, M Wenzel, L Woodyatt - Motivation and Emotion, 2019 - Springer
In psychology, the concepts of hope and optimism are often treated interchangeably or not
clearly delineated from each other. We argue that hope and optimism are conceptually …

Loneliness in the workplace: feelings and expressivity of hotel employees

BB Dedeoğlu, C Çalışkan, TL Chen… - International …, 2022 -
Loneliness in the workplace: feelings and expressivity of hotel employees | Emerald Insight
Books and journals Case studies Expert Briefings Open Access Publish with us Advanced …

Does hope mediate the relationship between parent's resolution of their child's autism diagnosis and parental stress

VV Naicker, D Hedley, SM Bury - Frontiers in Psychology, 2024 -
Introduction Resolution of a child's diagnosis, the process of accepting and adjusting to the
reality of a child's significant diagnosis, has been often associated with decreased parental …

Apology and its acceptance: Perceived reconciliatory attitudes reduce outgroup dehumanization

WJ **, SH Park, J Park - Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 -
Based on real-life intergroup animosities originating from a historical conflict, the current
study examined how the perceived stance of the outgroup about the conflict affects the …

Intergroup forgiveness

DR Van Tongeren, R Lindemann - Handbook of forgiveness, 2019 -
Research on intergroup forgiveness is accelerating. Intergroup forgiveness is an
interpersonal process by which an individual offers forgiveness toward a group for an …

Apologizing for Intergroup Criticism Reduces Rejection of Public Health Officials' Pro-Vaccine Messages

SM McCrea, MR Helm, JL Thürmer, CJ Erion… - Health …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Compared to other medical experts, public health officials face added scrutiny of their pro-
vaccine messages due to distrust of the US federal government. We consider reactions to …

Forgiveness, reconciliation, and peace between groups

M Wenzel - Handbook of forgiveness, 2019 -
Groups can inflict unspeakable violence and hurt on other groups, transgressing accepted
rules and morals in form of repression, persecution, war crimes, or genocide. Although the …