How mycorrhizal associations drive plant population and community biology
BACKGROUND All vascular plants associate with fungi and bacteria—the microbiome. Root
associations with mycorrhizal fungi benefit most plants by enhancing their nutrient access …
associations with mycorrhizal fungi benefit most plants by enhancing their nutrient access …
Deciphering the role of specialist and generalist plant–microbial interactions as drivers of plant–soil feedback
Feedback between plants and soil microbial communities can be a powerful driver of
vegetation dynamics. Plants elicit changes in the soil microbiome that either promote or …
vegetation dynamics. Plants elicit changes in the soil microbiome that either promote or …
Plant-soil feedbacks and mycorrhizal type influence temperate forest population dynamics
Feedback with soil biota is an important determinant of terrestrial plant diversity. However,
the factors regulating plant-soil feedback, which varies from positive to negative among plant …
the factors regulating plant-soil feedback, which varies from positive to negative among plant …
Belowground biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
Evidence is mounting that the immense diversity of microorganisms and animals that live
belowground contributes significantly to sha** aboveground biodiversity and the …
belowground contributes significantly to sha** aboveground biodiversity and the …
The seed microbiome: origins, interactions, and impacts
EB Nelson - Plant and Soil, 2018 - Springer
Background The development and dispersal of seeds as well as their transition to seedlings
represent perhaps the most critical stages of a plant's life cycle. The endophytic and …
represent perhaps the most critical stages of a plant's life cycle. The endophytic and …
Differential soil fungus accumulation and density dependence of trees in a subtropical forest
The mechanisms underlying interspecific variation in conspecific negative density
dependence (CNDD) are poorly understood. Using a multilevel modeling approach, we …
dependence (CNDD) are poorly understood. Using a multilevel modeling approach, we …
Where, when and how plant–soil feedback matters in a changing world
It is increasingly acknowledged that plant–soil feedbacks may play an important role in
driving the composition of plant communities and functioning of terrestrial ecosystems …
driving the composition of plant communities and functioning of terrestrial ecosystems …
Testing predictions of the J anzen–C onnell hypothesis: a meta‐analysis of experimental evidence for distance‐and density‐dependent seed and seedling survival
The J anzen–C onnell hypothesis proposes that specialist natural enemies, such as
herbivores and pathogens, maintain diversity in plant communities by reducing survival …
herbivores and pathogens, maintain diversity in plant communities by reducing survival …
Plant–soil feedbacks: the past, the present and future challenges
Plant–soil feedbacks is becoming an important concept for explaining vegetation dynamics,
the invasiveness of introduced exotic species in new habitats and how terrestrial …
the invasiveness of introduced exotic species in new habitats and how terrestrial …
Pathogens and insect herbivores drive rainforest plant diversity and composition
Tropical forests are important reservoirs of biodiversity, but the processes that maintain this
diversity remain poorly understood. The Janzen–Connell hypothesis, suggests that …
diversity remain poorly understood. The Janzen–Connell hypothesis, suggests that …