[HTML][HTML] A large-scale review of wave and tidal energy research over the last 20 years
Over the last two decades, a large body of academic scholarship has been generated on
wave and tidal energy related topics. It is therefore important to assess and analyse the …
wave and tidal energy related topics. It is therefore important to assess and analyse the …
Wave energy converter and large floating platform integration: A review
Extracting wave energy is a promising solution for renewable energy production because of
the high energy intensity of ocean waves when compared to other renewable energy …
the high energy intensity of ocean waves when compared to other renewable energy …
A review of advances in modeling hydrodynamics and hydroelasticity for very large floating structures
Since the introduction of the concept of very large floating structure (VLFS), research in this
area has become increasingly intensive. VLFSs have the potential to serve various functions …
area has become increasingly intensive. VLFSs have the potential to serve various functions …
[HTML][HTML] Review of recent developments on the hydroelastic response and gap resonance of multi-body floating structures
The present review paper focuses on the recent developments in the multi-body large
floating structures based on theoretical, numerical, and experimental research applications …
floating structures based on theoretical, numerical, and experimental research applications …
Numerical results of the dynamic response and capture factor of the two-raft-type WEC
The most typical example of raft-type wave energy converters (WECs) is a system consisting
of two hinged cylinders. It utilizes the relative rotation between these floats to operate a …
of two hinged cylinders. It utilizes the relative rotation between these floats to operate a …
Scaling strategies for multi-purpose floating structures physical modeling: state of art and new perspectives
Multi-purpose floating platforms are emerging as a promising concept in ocean engineering
applications, thanks to their capability of ensuring system integration, cost reduction and …
applications, thanks to their capability of ensuring system integration, cost reduction and …
Hydrodynamic analysis of a novel box-type floating marine airport
H Zhang, X Cao, N Zhang - Ocean Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract Very Large Floating Structure (VLFS) plays a crucial role in mitigating land resource
scarcity in developed coastal areas. This paper introduces an innovative VLFS concept …
scarcity in developed coastal areas. This paper introduces an innovative VLFS concept …
Performance and wave impact of an integrated multi-raft wave energy converter with floating breakwater for tropical climate
ZY Tay - Ocean Engineering, 2020 - Elsevier
A novel concept of wave energy converter cum breakwater is proposed, consists of a
multiple-raft wave energy converter (WEC) integrated with a floating breakwater (FB), which …
multiple-raft wave energy converter (WEC) integrated with a floating breakwater (FB), which …
Wave energy conversion by multi-mode exciting wave energy converters arrayed around a floating platform
An array of compact, portable and stable Wave Energy Converters (WECs) integrated with
an offshore floating platform can reduce the platform's motion response to waves, and …
an offshore floating platform can reduce the platform's motion response to waves, and …
[HTML][HTML] Hydrodynamic Analysis of a novel modular floating structure system integrated with floating artificial reefs and wave energy converters
Y Li, N Ren, X Li, J Ou - Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022 - mdpi.com
A novel modular floating structure (MFS) system moored by tension legs was proposed,
which is composed of hexagonal floating modules, floating artificial reefs and wave energy …
which is composed of hexagonal floating modules, floating artificial reefs and wave energy …