Reverse osmosis hybridization with other desalination techniques: An overview and opportunities
Several countries face water scarcity problems, so they utilize water desalination. Reverse
osmosis (RO) is the most popular desalination process, but it consumes high-grade energy …
osmosis (RO) is the most popular desalination process, but it consumes high-grade energy …
[HTML][HTML] Recent advancements in augmentation of solar water heaters using nanocomposites with PCM: Past, present, and future
Energy consumption in India is massive, and even the quantity used for household tasks is
substantial. The majority of the requirement is satisfied by using fossil fuels, which are the …
substantial. The majority of the requirement is satisfied by using fossil fuels, which are the …
Experimental optimization of conical solar distillers using graphite pin fins as sensible heat storage materials: energy, exergy, and exergo-economic approach
Fresh water and energy are essential for the development and prosperity of societies. Solar
stills are easy to build, operate, and maintain, but their disadvantage is low daily productivity …
stills are easy to build, operate, and maintain, but their disadvantage is low daily productivity …
Innovative and efficient integrations of desalination plants coupled absorption, adsorption, and humidification-dehumidification desalination units employing external …
Thermal desalination technologies have been developed recently to solve some pressing
problems, such as high energy expenditure, increasing fuel costs, and environmental …
problems, such as high energy expenditure, increasing fuel costs, and environmental …
New and effective combination of an absorption desalination systems with adsorption and humidification-dehumidification desalination systems utilizing internal heat …
The fast growth in population and the need for human comfort leads to a significant rise in
freshwater shortage and energy usage. This article provides new and effective combinations …
freshwater shortage and energy usage. This article provides new and effective combinations …
Experimental and economic evaluation on the performance improvement of a solar photovoltaic thermal system with skeleton-shaped fins
At elevated ambient temperatures, the production and efficiency of solar panels are
degraded due to the overheating of the cells. Cooling photovoltaic cells at elevated ambient …
degraded due to the overheating of the cells. Cooling photovoltaic cells at elevated ambient …
[HTML][HTML] Research on solar dish/Stirling engine driven adsorption-based desalination system for simultaneous co-generation of electricity and freshwater: Numerical …
Poly-production green systems are recently promising alternatives that could produce
various useful energy outputs such as electricity, heat, and distilled water with higher …
various useful energy outputs such as electricity, heat, and distilled water with higher …
A comprehensive review of tubular solar still designs, performance, and economic analysis
Freshwater and energy are indispensable resources for economic and industrial
developments, they are key global challenges nowadays. In recent years, the emphasis has …
developments, they are key global challenges nowadays. In recent years, the emphasis has …
2D materials for adsorption desalination applications: A state of the art
An essential resource for life on the planet is water. Our biological system is severely
impacted by contamination and freshwater scarcity due to the massive population increase …
impacted by contamination and freshwater scarcity due to the massive population increase …
Solar-powered ejector-based adsorption desalination system integrated with a humidification-dehumidification system
The paper presents an integrated solar-driven desalination plant. It consists of an adsorption
desalination (AD), a humidification-dehumidification (HDH) desalination, and two ejectors …
desalination (AD), a humidification-dehumidification (HDH) desalination, and two ejectors …