Hackathons and the making of entrepreneurial citizenship

L Irani - Science, Technology, & Human Values, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
Today the halls of Technology, Entertainment, and Design (TED) and Davos reverberate
with optimism that hacking, brainstorming, and crowdsourcing can transform citizenship …

[КНИГА][B] Elite and everyman: The cultural politics of the Indian middle classes

A Baviskar, R Ray - 2020 - books.google.com
This book examines the middle classes—who they are and what they do—and their
influence in sha** contemporary cultural politics in India. Describing the historical …

Long–term natural remediation process in textile dye–polluted river sediment driven by bacterial community changes

T Ito, Y Adachi, Y Yamanashi, Y Shimada - Water research, 2016 - Elsevier
The textile and dyeing industries are major sources of environmental water pollution all over
the world. The textile wastewater effluents discharged into rivers often appear dark red …

Gentrifying the state, gentrifying participation: Elite governance programs in Delhi

DA Ghertner - International journal of urban and regional …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Recent scholarship has highlighted the central role of India's 'new middle class' in
gentrifying and 'cleaning up'its cities. According to this literature, this class experienced a …

What the eye does not see: The Yamuna in the imagination of Delhi

A Baviskar - Economic and Political Weekly, 2011 - torrossa.com
the rest of the city was untouched. In 1978, the worst floods in living memory, a million
people were affected as the river reached its highest recorded level, submerging 70,000 …

Balancing priorities, aligning interests: develo** mitigation capacity in China and India

T Harrison, G Kostka - Comparative Political Studies, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
Debates about how to respond to climate change have largely focused on the difficulties in
agreeing on national targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By assuming that the …

“It's a conspiracy theory and climate change” Of beastly encounters and cervine disappearances in Himalayan India

N Mathur - HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 2015 - journals.uchicago.edu
This article traces the introduction of the category of climate change into the Indian
Himalaya. Climate change emerged as an explanation for recurring incidences of …

Lineages of the developmentalist state: transnationality and village India, 1900–1965

S Sinha - Comparative studies in society and history, 2008 - cambridge.org
On 2 October 1952, marking Gandhi's fourth birth anniversary after his assassination in
1948, Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of postcolonial India, launched the …

Spectacular events, city spaces and citizenship: The commonwealth games in Delhi

A Baviskar - Urban Navigations, 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Since the adoption of policies of economic liberalisation in the 1990s, successive
governments have instituted spatial and social changes that converge around a common …

Special Economic Zones: national land challenges, localized protest

HP Bedi - Contemporary South Asia, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Acquisition of land and reallocation of previously acquired land for Special Economic Zones
(SEZ) has stimulated protests that provide a terrain for exploring the changing landscape of …