[HTML][HTML] Nutrition-sensitive agriculture: what have we learned so far?
A growing number of governments, donor agencies, and development organizations are
committed to supporting nutrition-sensitive agriculture (NSA) to achieve their development …
committed to supporting nutrition-sensitive agriculture (NSA) to achieve their development …
[PDF][PDF] A review of evidence on gender equality, women's empowerment, and food systems
Women are key actors in food systems as producers, wage workers, processors, traders,
and consumers. They do this work despite many constraints and limitations, including lower …
and consumers. They do this work despite many constraints and limitations, including lower …
Climatic conditions and household food security: Evidence from Tanzania
Food security and adequate nutrition are critical for achieving progress toward sustainable
development. Two billion people worldwide experience moderate to severe food insecurity …
development. Two billion people worldwide experience moderate to severe food insecurity …
Rural food markets and child nutrition
Child dietary diversity is poor in much of rural Africa and develo** Asia, prompting
significant efforts to leverage agriculture to improve diets. However, growing recognition that …
significant efforts to leverage agriculture to improve diets. However, growing recognition that …
[HTML][HTML] Health impacts of the green revolution: Evidence from 600,000 births across the develo** world
What is the contribution of the 'Green Revolution'to improvements in child health during the
20 th century? We provide global scale estimates of this relationship by constructing a novel …
20 th century? We provide global scale estimates of this relationship by constructing a novel …
Infrastructure mitigates the sensitivity of child growth to local agriculture and rainfall in Nepal and Uganda
GE Shively - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017 - pnas.org
This paper investigates linear growth and weight gain among 11,946 children below the age
of 5 y in Nepal and Uganda, testing the hypothesis that child growth is sensitive to …
of 5 y in Nepal and Uganda, testing the hypothesis that child growth is sensitive to …
Nutritional interventions by local governments as an effort to accelerate stunting reduction
Nutritional problems, known as stunting, are a major threat to the quality of Indonesian
society that interferes with children's physical growth and brain development disorders that …
society that interferes with children's physical growth and brain development disorders that …
Hunger, nutrition, and precipitation: evidence from Ghana and Bangladesh
Changing precipitation patterns caused by climate change are expected to have major
impacts on food security and nutrition in agrarian areas in develo** countries. However …
impacts on food security and nutrition in agrarian areas in develo** countries. However …
[HTML][HTML] Weather shocks across seasons and child health: Evidence from a panel study in the Kyrgyz Republic
It has been shown consistently in the literature that early life exposure to extreme weather
events affects children's nutritional status and related long-term health and well-being …
events affects children's nutritional status and related long-term health and well-being …
Enhancing women's empowerment as an effective strategy to improve food security in rural Bangladesh: A pathway to achieving SDG-2
Introduction Women play an important role in maintaining household food security;
unfortunately, their food security is frequently neglected. This type of phenomenon has …
unfortunately, their food security is frequently neglected. This type of phenomenon has …