Police-induced confessions, 2.0: Risk factors and recommendations.

SM Kassin, H Cleary, GH Gudjonsson… - Law and human …, 2025 - psycnet.apa.org
Wrongful conviction databases have shed light on the fact that innocent people can be
induced to confess to crimes they did not commit. Drawing on police practices, core …

Institutional interactions and racial inequality in policing: How everyday encounters bridge individuals, organizations, and institutions

NP Camp - Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Racial disparities in policing are profound and accompanied by equally persistent gaps in
trust. Analyses of these and other racial inequities are often bifurcated between institutional …

We built this culture (so we can change it): Seven principles for intentional culture change.

MYG Hamedani, HR Markus, RC Hetey… - American …, 2024 - psycnet.apa.org
Calls for culture change abound. Headlines regularly feature calls to change the “broken” or
“toxic” cultures of institutions and organizations, and people debate which norms and …

Coarse race data conceals disparities in clinical risk score performance

R Movva, D Shanmugam, K Hou… - Machine Learning …, 2023 - proceedings.mlr.press
Healthcare data in the United States often records only a patient's coarse race group: for
example, both Indian and Chinese patients are typically coded as “Asian.” It is unknown …

“When the cruiser lights come on”: Using the science of bias & culture to combat racial disparities in policing

RC Hetey, MYG Hamedani, HR Markus, JL Eberhardt - Dædalus, 2024 - direct.mit.edu
In this essay, we highlight the interplay between individuals' psychological processes and
sociocultural systems in producing and maintaining racial bias. We use a conceptual tool we …

Leveraging body-worn camera footage to assess the effects of training on officer communication during traffic stops

NP Camp, R Voigt, MYG Hamedani, D Jurafsky… - PNAS …, 2024 - academic.oup.com
Can training police officers on how to best interact with the public actually improve their
interactions with community members? This has been a challenging question to answer …

Policing at the crossroads: An intergroup communication accommodation perspective

H Giles, ER Maguire, SL Hill - Group Processes & Intergroup …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
This article discusses a timely and recent domain of intergroup relations scholarship that
focuses on communication between police and the public—a domain we have previously …

Threat dynamics and police use of force

AT Krajewski, JL Worrall… - Journal of Research in …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Objective Police officers' use of force (UoF) has traditionally been understood vis-à-vis
subject resistance, but researchers have recently argued for a greater emphasis on subject …

Police‐perpetrated racism and health in African American and Black communities

LS Hoggard, MT Lutchman - Social and Personality Psychology …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
This brief review article focuses on police‐perpetrated racism against African American and
Black (AAB) communities, typically in the form of police brutality, police violence, and …

Race and privacy in broadcast police communications

P Narayanan Venkit, C Graziul, MA Goodman… - Proceedings of the …, 2024 - dl.acm.org
Radios are essential for the operations of modern police departments, and they function as
both a collaborative communication technology and a sociotechnical system. However, little …