Police-induced confessions, 2.0: Risk factors and recommendations.
Wrongful conviction databases have shed light on the fact that innocent people can be
induced to confess to crimes they did not commit. Drawing on police practices, core …
induced to confess to crimes they did not commit. Drawing on police practices, core …
Institutional interactions and racial inequality in policing: How everyday encounters bridge individuals, organizations, and institutions
NP Camp - Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Racial disparities in policing are profound and accompanied by equally persistent gaps in
trust. Analyses of these and other racial inequities are often bifurcated between institutional …
trust. Analyses of these and other racial inequities are often bifurcated between institutional …
We built this culture (so we can change it): Seven principles for intentional culture change.
Calls for culture change abound. Headlines regularly feature calls to change the “broken” or
“toxic” cultures of institutions and organizations, and people debate which norms and …
“toxic” cultures of institutions and organizations, and people debate which norms and …
Coarse race data conceals disparities in clinical risk score performance
Healthcare data in the United States often records only a patient's coarse race group: for
example, both Indian and Chinese patients are typically coded as “Asian.” It is unknown …
example, both Indian and Chinese patients are typically coded as “Asian.” It is unknown …
“When the cruiser lights come on”: Using the science of bias & culture to combat racial disparities in policing
In this essay, we highlight the interplay between individuals' psychological processes and
sociocultural systems in producing and maintaining racial bias. We use a conceptual tool we …
sociocultural systems in producing and maintaining racial bias. We use a conceptual tool we …
Leveraging body-worn camera footage to assess the effects of training on officer communication during traffic stops
Can training police officers on how to best interact with the public actually improve their
interactions with community members? This has been a challenging question to answer …
interactions with community members? This has been a challenging question to answer …
Policing at the crossroads: An intergroup communication accommodation perspective
This article discusses a timely and recent domain of intergroup relations scholarship that
focuses on communication between police and the public—a domain we have previously …
focuses on communication between police and the public—a domain we have previously …
Threat dynamics and police use of force
Objective Police officers' use of force (UoF) has traditionally been understood vis-à-vis
subject resistance, but researchers have recently argued for a greater emphasis on subject …
subject resistance, but researchers have recently argued for a greater emphasis on subject …
Police‐perpetrated racism and health in African American and Black communities
LS Hoggard, MT Lutchman - Social and Personality Psychology …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
This brief review article focuses on police‐perpetrated racism against African American and
Black (AAB) communities, typically in the form of police brutality, police violence, and …
Black (AAB) communities, typically in the form of police brutality, police violence, and …
Race and privacy in broadcast police communications
Radios are essential for the operations of modern police departments, and they function as
both a collaborative communication technology and a sociotechnical system. However, little …
both a collaborative communication technology and a sociotechnical system. However, little …