From Early Jurassic intracontinental subduction to Early-Middle Jurassic slab break-off magmatism during the Cimmerian orogeny in the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, Iran
This study aims to review the Jurassic to Cretaceous tectonic setting of the Sanandaj-Sirjan
Zone (SaSZ), the inner part of the Zagros orogen. For many years, the SaSZ was interpreted …
Zone (SaSZ), the inner part of the Zagros orogen. For many years, the SaSZ was interpreted …
[HTML][HTML] Metamorphic remnants of the Variscan Orogeny across the Alps and their tectonic significance
Lithospheric slices preserving pre-Alpine metamorphic imprints are widely described in the
Alps. The Variscan parageneses recorded in continental, oceanic, and mantle rocks suggest …
Alps. The Variscan parageneses recorded in continental, oceanic, and mantle rocks suggest …
Deformation, crustal melting and magmatism in the crustal-scale East-Variscan shear zone (Aiguilles-Rouges and Mont-Blanc massifs, Western Alps)
Abstract The Aiguilles-Rouges and Mont-Blanc massifs represent a segment of a crustal-
scale transpressional shear zone named the East Variscan Shear Zone (EVSZ) along which …
scale transpressional shear zone named the East Variscan Shear Zone (EVSZ) along which …
[HTML][HTML] Constraining the timing of evolution of shear zones in two collisional orogens: fusing structural geology and geochronology
In recent decades, constraining the timing of shear activity has been one of the main topics
of research about the tectono-metamorphic evolution of orogenic belts. We present a review …
of research about the tectono-metamorphic evolution of orogenic belts. We present a review …
Current applications using key mineral phases in igneous and metamorphic geology: perspectives for the future
The study of magmatic and metamorphic processes is challenged by geological
complexities like geochemical variations, geochronological uncertainties and the …
complexities like geochemical variations, geochronological uncertainties and the …
HT overprint of HP granulites in the Oisans–Pelvoux Massif: Implications for the dynamics of the Variscan collision in the external Western Alps
Abstract The Oisans–Pelvoux massif belongs to the Paleozoic basement of the External
western Alps and records high temperature (HT) metamorphism associated with intense …
western Alps and records high temperature (HT) metamorphism associated with intense …
Transtension or transpression? Tectono-metamorphic constraints on the formation of the Monte Grighini dome (Sardinia, Italy) and implications for the Southern …
This work presents an integrated structural, kinematic, and petrochronological study of the
Monte Grighini dome within the Variscan hinterland–foreland transition zone of Sardinia …
Monte Grighini dome within the Variscan hinterland–foreland transition zone of Sardinia …
Crucial role of water-present melting in metagranite: Implications for the instigation of crustal-scale shear zones
Where, when, and why large-scale shear zones nucleate and propagate into the continental
lithosphere are critical issues that challenge the research in tectonics. The East Variscan …
lithosphere are critical issues that challenge the research in tectonics. The East Variscan …
Crustal thickening, exhumation and metamorphic cooling of Neoproterozoic eclogites in NE Brazil: Timescale for the assembly of West Gondwana
The high-pressure followed by high-temperature metamorphism related to the evolution of
collisional orogens is the expected Pressure-Temperature-time (PTt) path for modern-style …
collisional orogens is the expected Pressure-Temperature-time (PTt) path for modern-style …
Discovery of Variscan orogenic peridotites in the Pelvoux massif (western Alps, France)
Small bodies of mantle-derived peridotites and other ultramafic rocks are commonly found in
exhumed lower crustal units of collisional orogens. They provide a direct record of the …
exhumed lower crustal units of collisional orogens. They provide a direct record of the …