Improved inverse kinematics and dynamics model research of general parallel mechanisms
X Zhang, H Wang, Y Rong, J Niu, J Tian, S Li… - Journal of Mechanical …, 2023 - Springer
Since the classical kinematics model of parallel manipulators cannot accurately reflect the
angular velocity and angular acceleration of the limbs, an improved kinematics model is …
angular velocity and angular acceleration of the limbs, an improved kinematics model is …
[PDF][PDF] Self-learning of Delta robot using inverse kinematics and artificial neural networks
Z Iklima, MI Muthahhar, A Khan, A Zody - Sinergi, 2021 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Abstract As known as Parallel-Link Robot, Delta Robot is a kind of Manipulator Robot that
consists of three arms mounted in parallel. Delta Robot has a central joint constructed as an …
consists of three arms mounted in parallel. Delta Robot has a central joint constructed as an …
[PDF][PDF] Segregation of oil palm fruit ripeness using color sensor
Oil palm is an important industry that has contributed to income and support to the economic
sector especially for Malaysia and Indonesia. However, most of the equipment in the oil …
sector especially for Malaysia and Indonesia. However, most of the equipment in the oil …
[HTML][HTML] On the optimal synthesis of a finger rehabilitation slider-crank-based device with a prescribed real trajectory: motion specifications and design process
A Zapatero-Gutiérrez, E Castillo-Castañeda… - Applied Sciences, 2021 - mdpi.com
This article discusses the mechanical redesign of a finger rehabilitation device based on a
slider-crank mechanism. The redesign proposal is to obtain a smaller and more portable …
slider-crank mechanism. The redesign proposal is to obtain a smaller and more portable …
An anthropomorphic motion retargeting method based on an adaptive genetic algorithm
A manipulator with human-like movements enables better human-machine interaction and a
more intuitive experience for the operator when he or she teleoperates it. In this work, we …
more intuitive experience for the operator when he or she teleoperates it. In this work, we …
Résolution d'un problème industriel de type pick & place d'un centre de tri postal
C Selma - 2021 - theses.hal.science
Les problèmes de type Pick & Place (PAP) sont très étudiés dans la littérature, mais, à notre
connaissance, très peu de travaux étudient les systèmes de PAP dans un contexte …
connaissance, très peu de travaux étudient les systèmes de PAP dans un contexte …