Improved inverse kinematics and dynamics model research of general parallel mechanisms

X Zhang, H Wang, Y Rong, J Niu, J Tian, S Li… - Journal of Mechanical …, 2023 - Springer
Since the classical kinematics model of parallel manipulators cannot accurately reflect the
angular velocity and angular acceleration of the limbs, an improved kinematics model is …

[PDF][PDF] Self-learning of Delta robot using inverse kinematics and artificial neural networks

Z Iklima, MI Muthahhar, A Khan, A Zody - Sinergi, 2021 -
Abstract As known as Parallel-Link Robot, Delta Robot is a kind of Manipulator Robot that
consists of three arms mounted in parallel. Delta Robot has a central joint constructed as an …

[PDF][PDF] Segregation of oil palm fruit ripeness using color sensor

A Mustaffa, F Arith, NIF Peong, NR Jaffar… - Indonesian Journal of …, 2022 -
Oil palm is an important industry that has contributed to income and support to the economic
sector especially for Malaysia and Indonesia. However, most of the equipment in the oil …

[HTML][HTML] On the optimal synthesis of a finger rehabilitation slider-crank-based device with a prescribed real trajectory: motion specifications and design process

A Zapatero-Gutiérrez, E Castillo-Castañeda… - Applied Sciences, 2021 -
This article discusses the mechanical redesign of a finger rehabilitation device based on a
slider-crank mechanism. The redesign proposal is to obtain a smaller and more portable …

An anthropomorphic motion retargeting method based on an adaptive genetic algorithm

Y Zhu, Y Cheng, C Yang, Z Tu, X Wu… - 2022 8th International …, 2022 -
A manipulator with human-like movements enables better human-machine interaction and a
more intuitive experience for the operator when he or she teleoperates it. In this work, we …

Résolution d'un problème industriel de type pick & place d'un centre de tri postal

C Selma - 2021 -
Les problèmes de type Pick & Place (PAP) sont très étudiés dans la littérature, mais, à notre
connaissance, très peu de travaux étudient les systèmes de PAP dans un contexte …