Multiple skill laboratory activities: How to improve students' scientific communication and collaboration skills
This study aims to analyze the effects of experiment models and gender on scientific
communication and collaboration skills. This study employed a quasi-experimental design …
communication and collaboration skills. This study employed a quasi-experimental design …
Keterampilan komunikasi siswa sekolah dasar dalam pembelajaran IPA berbasis laboratorium alam tentang biopori
EM Safitri, IF MAULIDINIA, NI Zuniari, T Amaliyah… - 2022 - repository.unej.ac.id
Keterampilan komunikasi termasuk dalam salah satu keterampilan dasar yang harus dimiliki
oleh siswa. Keterampilan komunikasi mencakup beberapa aspek penting yang berbeda …
oleh siswa. Keterampilan komunikasi mencakup beberapa aspek penting yang berbeda …
The effectiveness of scenario-based virtual laboratory simulations to improve learning outcomes and scientific report writing skills
H Al-Nakhle - Plos one, 2022 - journals.plos.org
The use of virtual laboratory simulations in various disciplines, which provide important
educational benefits, has increased. Several studies show that laboratory activities …
educational benefits, has increased. Several studies show that laboratory activities …
Analisis keterampilan komunikasi ilmiah pada pembelajaran biologi
C Mayani, D Maknun… - Science Education and …, 2023 - ejournal.imbima.org
Keterampilan komunikasi ilmiah merupakan salah satu keterampilan yang dibutuhkan di
abad 21. Keterampilan komunikasi ilmiah dalam ilmu sains sangat penting karena …
abad 21. Keterampilan komunikasi ilmiah dalam ilmu sains sangat penting karena …
Student Satisfaction: Online Learning-based MIKiR Approach in UNRI-UIN SUSKA RIAU
This study aims to determine the level of satisfaction of UNRI-UIN Suska Riau students
towards learning with the MIKiR approach and see the knowledge of UNRI-UIN students …
towards learning with the MIKiR approach and see the knowledge of UNRI-UIN students …
Analizing Elementary School Teacher's Understanding (ESTU) in Scientific Communication skills (SCs)
The purpose of this research is to analyse the understanding of science communication on
elementary school teacher. This research method is descriptive quantitative. The research …
elementary school teacher. This research method is descriptive quantitative. The research …
Improving Prospective Elementary Teachers' Mathematical Communication Skills with Active Learning Approach of MIKiR
The purpose of this research is to reveal the implementing of an active learning approach of
MIKiR on prospective elementary teachers' mathematical communication skills. This study …
MIKiR on prospective elementary teachers' mathematical communication skills. This study …
Analysis of scientific communication skills by using big books in elementary schools
Scientific communication skills involve various components including prediction, question,
presentation and hypothesis. The purpose of this research is to analysis scientific …
presentation and hypothesis. The purpose of this research is to analysis scientific …
Analisis Kemampuan Argumentasi Mahasiswa terhadap Isu Sosiosaintifik HIV/AIDS
Y Herlanti - 2022 - repository.uinjkt.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan argumentasi mahasiswa
terhadap isu sosiosaintifik HIV/AIDS. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik survei pada …
terhadap isu sosiosaintifik HIV/AIDS. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik survei pada …
K KHOIRIAH - 2024 - digilib.unila.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan model pembelajaran aware, read, interact, share,
dan evaluate (ARISE) berbasis socio scientific issue (SSI) yang valid, praktis, dan efektif …
dan evaluate (ARISE) berbasis socio scientific issue (SSI) yang valid, praktis, dan efektif …