Two-terminal transport measurements with cold atoms
In recent years, the ability of cold atom experiments to explore condensed-matter-related
questions has dramatically progressed. Transport experiments, in particular, have expanded …
questions has dramatically progressed. Transport experiments, in particular, have expanded …
Current fluctuations in open quantum systems: Bridging the gap between quantum continuous measurements and full counting statistics
Continuously measured quantum systems are characterized by an output current, in the form
of a stochastic and correlated time series, which conveys crucial information about the …
of a stochastic and correlated time series, which conveys crucial information about the …
Thermodynamic uncertainty relations for coherently driven open quantum systems
In classical Markov jump processes, current fluctuations can only be reduced at the cost of
increased dissipation. To explore how quantum effects influence this trade-off, we analyze …
increased dissipation. To explore how quantum effects influence this trade-off, we analyze …
First passage times for continuous quantum measurement currents
The first passage time (FPT) is the time taken for a stochastic process to reach a desired
threshold. In this Letter we address the FPT of the stochastic measurement current in the …
threshold. In this Letter we address the FPT of the stochastic measurement current in the …
Photon counting statistics of a microwave cavity
The development of microwave photon detectors is paving the way for a wide range of
quantum technologies and fundamental discoveries involving single photons. Here, we …
quantum technologies and fundamental discoveries involving single photons. Here, we …
Electron waiting times of a Cooper pair splitter
Electron waiting times are an important concept in the analysis of quantum transport in
nanoscale conductors. Here we show that the statistics of electron waiting times can be used …
nanoscale conductors. Here we show that the statistics of electron waiting times can be used …
Electron waiting times in coherent conductors are correlated
We evaluate the joint distributions of electron waiting times in coherent conductors
described by scattering theory. Successive electron waiting times in a single-channel …
described by scattering theory. Successive electron waiting times in a single-channel …
Counting quantum jumps: A summary and comparison of fixed-time and fluctuating-time statistics in electron transport
In quantum transport through nanoscale devices, fluctuations arise from various sources: the
discreteness of charge carriers, the statistical nonequilibrium that is required for device …
discreteness of charge carriers, the statistical nonequilibrium that is required for device …
Nonlocality of Majorana bound states revealed by electron waiting times in a topological Andreev interferometer
The analysis of waiting times of electron transfers has recently become experimentally
accessible owing to advances in noninvasive probes working in the short-time regime. We …
accessible owing to advances in noninvasive probes working in the short-time regime. We …
Time-resolved statistics of nonclassical light in Josephson photonics
The interplay of the tunneling transfer of charges and the emission and absorption of light
can be investigated in a setup, where a voltage-biased Josephson junction is connected in …
can be investigated in a setup, where a voltage-biased Josephson junction is connected in …