Matrix profile I: all pairs similarity joins for time series: a unifying view that includes motifs, discords and shapelets
The all-pairs-similarity-search (or similarity join) problem has been extensively studied for
text and a handful of other datatypes. However, surprisingly little progress has been made …
text and a handful of other datatypes. However, surprisingly little progress has been made …
Fast and accurate time-series clustering
The proliferation and ubiquity of temporal data across many disciplines has generated
substantial interest in the analysis and mining of time series. Clustering is one of the most …
substantial interest in the analysis and mining of time series. Clustering is one of the most …
Time series joins, motifs, discords and shapelets: a unifying view that exploits the matrix profile
The last decade has seen a flurry of research on all-pairs-similarity-search (or similarity
joins) for text, DNA and a handful of other datatypes, and these systems have been applied …
joins) for text, DNA and a handful of other datatypes, and these systems have been applied …
Matrix profile X: VALMOD-scalable discovery of variable-length motifs in data series
In the last fifteen years, data series motif discovery has emerged as one of the most useful
primitives for data series mining, with applications to many domains, including robotics …
primitives for data series mining, with applications to many domains, including robotics …
Matrix profile goes MAD: variable-length motif and discord discovery in data series
In the last 15 years, data series motif and discord discovery have emerged as two useful and
well-used primitives for data series mining, with applications to many domains, including …
well-used primitives for data series mining, with applications to many domains, including …
Coconut: A scalable bottom-up approach for building data series indexes
Many modern applications produce massive amounts of data series that need to be
analyzed, requiring efficient similarity search operations. However, the state-of-the-art data …
analyzed, requiring efficient similarity search operations. However, the state-of-the-art data …
Temporal patterns in bot activities
Correlated or synchronized bots commonly exist in social media sites such as Twitter. Bots
work towards gaining human followers, participating in campaigns, and engaging in …
work towards gaining human followers, participating in campaigns, and engaging in …
Scalable, variable-length similarity search in data series: The ULISSE approach
Data series similarity search is an important operation and at the core of several analysis
tasks and applications related to data series collections. Despite the fact that data series …
tasks and applications related to data series collections. Despite the fact that data series …
Paris+: Data series indexing on multi-core architectures
Data series similarity search is a core operation for several data series analysis applications
across many different domains. Nevertheless, even state-of-the-art techniques cannot …
across many different domains. Nevertheless, even state-of-the-art techniques cannot …
AID: efficient prediction of aggregated intensity of dependency in large-scale cloud systems
Service reliability is one of the key challenges that cloud providers have to deal with. In
cloud systems, unplanned service failures may cause severe cascading impacts on their …
cloud systems, unplanned service failures may cause severe cascading impacts on their …