A comprehensive overview of tomato processing by-product valorization by conventional methods versus emerging technologies
The tomato processing industry can be considered one of the most widespread food
manufacturing industries all over the world, annually generating considerable quantities of …
manufacturing industries all over the world, annually generating considerable quantities of …
The functionalisation of fruit and vegetable cell wall material as texturizing agent: The role of pectin depletion and particle size reduction techniques
Background Substantial amounts of cell wall material (CWM) emerge as a side stream from
the fruit and vegetable processing industry. From a sustainability, human health and …
the fruit and vegetable processing industry. From a sustainability, human health and …
Valorization of grape pomace as a renewable source of techno-functional and antioxidant pectins
R Megías-Pérez, A Ferreira-Lazarte, M Villamiel - Antioxidants, 2023 - mdpi.com
The food industry's increasing demand for new functional ingredients that meet both
organoleptic and healthy requirements has driven the exploration of new sources of …
organoleptic and healthy requirements has driven the exploration of new sources of …
A consecutive extraction of pectin and hesperidin from Citrus aurantium L.: Process optimization, extract mechanism, characterization and bio-activity analysis
P Zhou, M Zheng, X Li, J Zhou, Y Shang, ZS Li… - Industrial Crops and …, 2022 - Elsevier
With the proposal of the Paris Climate Agreement and double carbon policy, production
enterprise is now facing green and low-carbon transformation. To promote green and low …
enterprise is now facing green and low-carbon transformation. To promote green and low …
The effect of different particle size reduction techniques on the biomass microstructure and the influence on the pectin extraction yield and structure
Particle size is known to be an influential parameter during pectin extraction, and a
decreased particle size was already linked to an increased extraction efficiency. Particle size …
decreased particle size was already linked to an increased extraction efficiency. Particle size …
Influence of ultrasound-assisted extraction on the pectin extraction yield and structural characteristics: A case study on carrot pomace (Daucus carota)
E De Laet, T Bernaerts, JN Ares, K De Cock… - Food and Bioproducts …, 2024 - Elsevier
For the ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) of pectin from carrot pomace, the influence of
different extraction parameters on the pectin yield and structure was studied. Therefore, an …
different extraction parameters on the pectin yield and structure was studied. Therefore, an …
Mechanistic understanding of the improvement of the digestive retention of anthocyanins by modified pectin after high-pressure homogenization of strawberry pulp
Y **ng, Q Yuan, X Gui, L Jian, K Wang, Q Ma… - Innovative Food Science …, 2024 - Elsevier
The physical property and retention of anthocyanins (ACNs) during digestion of strawberry
pulp after high-pressure homogenization (HPH)(20/60/100/140 MPa) were analyzed, and …
pulp after high-pressure homogenization (HPH)(20/60/100/140 MPa) were analyzed, and …
Zizania latifolia Cell Wall Polysaccharide Metabolism and Changes of Related Enzyme Activities during Postharvest Storage
J Huang, W Wu, X Fang, H Chen, Y Han, B Niu, H Gao - Foods, 2022 - mdpi.com
The metabolism of polysaccharides in the Zizania latifolia cell wall helps maintain the
postharvest quality during storage. Fresh Z. latifolia was stored at 4° C and 25° C to evaluate …
postharvest quality during storage. Fresh Z. latifolia was stored at 4° C and 25° C to evaluate …
Ultrasonic treatment changes the rheological properties of strawberry pulp via alterations in particle size and the physicochemical properties of pectin
Y **ng, Y Xue, X Yang, K Wang, M Li, J Wang, H Xu - Food Hydrocolloids, 2025 - Elsevier
To investigate the impact of different ultrasonic power densities (2.7, 4.5, 6.3, and 8.1 W/mL)
on the rheological properties of strawberry pulp, the changes in physical properties of the …
on the rheological properties of strawberry pulp, the changes in physical properties of the …
Mechanistic insights into changes in endogenous water soluble pectin and carotenoid bioaccessibility in mango beverage upon high pressure processing
K Hu, D Chen, M Chen, A **ang, B **e, Z Sun - Food Hydrocolloids, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract High hydrostatic pressure (HHP)(300/400/500 MPa for 5 min) and high pressure
homogenization (HPH)(50/100 MPa for 1 pass) were applied to mango beverage to explore …
homogenization (HPH)(50/100 MPa for 1 pass) were applied to mango beverage to explore …