Category theory for quantum natural language processing
This thesis introduces quantum natural language processing (QNLP) models based on a
simple yet powerful analogy between computational linguistics and quantum mechanics …
simple yet powerful analogy between computational linguistics and quantum mechanics …
Parametrised presentability over orbital categories
K Hilman - Applied Categorical Structures, 2024 - Springer
In this paper, we develop the notion of presentability in the parametrised homotopy theory
framework of Barwick et al.(Parametrized higher category theory and higher algebra: a …
framework of Barwick et al.(Parametrized higher category theory and higher algebra: a …
An introduction to category theory
J Kopp - Electronic Proceedings of Undergraduate …, 2024 - ecommons.udayton.edu
Category theory is a relatively new field of mathematics that has grown much in popularity in
recent years. It is a general theory of mathematical structure that lends itself to making …
recent years. It is a general theory of mathematical structure that lends itself to making …
An elementary approach to truncations
We study truncated objects using elementary methods. Concretely, we use universes and
the resulting natural number object to define internal truncation levels and prove they …
the resulting natural number object to define internal truncation levels and prove they …
From higher-order rewriting systems to higher-order categorial algebras and higher-order Curry-Howard isomorphisms
This ongoing project aims to define and investigate, from the standpoint of category theory,
order theory and universal algebra, the notions of higher-order many-sorted rewriting system …
order theory and universal algebra, the notions of higher-order many-sorted rewriting system …
Towards an (∞, 2)-category of homotopy coherent monads in an∞-cosmos
D Zaganidis - 2017 - infoscience.epfl.ch
This thesis is part of a program initiated by Riehl and Verity to study the category theory of
(infinity, 1)-categories in a model-independent way. They showed that most models of …
(infinity, 1)-categories in a model-independent way. They showed that most models of …
[PDF][PDF] A Higher Algebraic K-Theory of Causality
S Mahadevan - 2025 - preprints.org
Causal discovery involves searching intractably large spaces. Decomposing the search
space into classes of observationally equivalent causal models is a well-studied avenue to …
space into classes of observationally equivalent causal models is a well-studied avenue to …
Homotopy Theory of Monoids and Group Completion
N Burke - 2021 - repository.cam.ac.uk
This thesis presents several complete and partial models for the homotopy theory of
monoids and the derived functor of group completion. We show that there is a simplicial …
monoids and the derived functor of group completion. We show that there is a simplicial …
∞-categorical monadicity and descent.
YJF Sulyma - New York Journal of Mathematics, 2017 - search.ebscohost.com
Riehl and Verity have introduced an"∞-cosmic" framework in which they redevelop the
category theory of∞-categories using 2-categorical arguments. In this paper, we begin with …
category theory of∞-categories using 2-categorical arguments. In this paper, we begin with …
Complex rank 3 vector bundles on complex projective 5-space
MP Opie - 2021 - search.proquest.com
This work concerns two aspects of the study of complex rank 3 topological vector bundles on
complex projective five-space. The first aim is to classify such bundles: to give complete …
complex projective five-space. The first aim is to classify such bundles: to give complete …