Hybrid zones-natural laboratories for evolutionary studies

GM Hewitt - Trends in ecology & evolution, 1988 - cell.com
Hybrid zones are currently of interest because they offer experimental material for studies of
the characters and processes involved in divergence and speciation. Parapatric su6species …

Perspective: a critique of Sewall Wright's shifting balance theory of evolution

JA Coyne, NH Barton, M Turelli - Evolution, 1997 - Wiley Online Library
We evaluate Sewall Wright's three‐phase “shifting balance” theory of evolution, examining
both the theoretical issues and the relevant data from nature and the laboratory. We …

The evolution of metapopulations

NH Barton, MC Whitlock - Metapopulation biology, 1997 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter provides a general overview of evolution of
metapopulations. Evolution in a metapopulation can be substantially different from the …

Founder effect speciation: a theoretical reassessment

S Gavrilets, A Hastings - The American Naturalist, 1996 - journals.uchicago.edu
We propose a series of simple models of founder effect speciation. In these models, the
resulting reproductive isolation (as measured by the proportion of inviable hybrids or the …

The ecological dynamics of natural selection: traits and the coevolution of community structure

MA McPeek - The American Naturalist, 2017 - journals.uchicago.edu
Natural selection has both genetic and ecological dynamics. The fitnesses of individuals
change with their ecological context, and so the form and strength of selective agents …

[PDF][PDF] High-dimensional fitness landscapes and speciation

S Gavrilets - Evolution: the extended synthesis, 2010 - icts.res.in
The Modern Evolutionary Synthesis of the 1930s and 1940s remains the paradigm of
evolutionary biology (Futuyma 1998; Gould 2002; Pigliucci 2007; Ridley 1993). The …

Variance‐induced peak shifts

MC Whitlock - Evolution, 1995 - Wiley Online Library
The increase in phenotypic variance that occurs in some populations as a result of
bottlenecks and founder events can cause a dramatic increase in the probability of a peak …

Phase three of Wright's shifting‐balance theory

JF Crow, WR Engels, C Denniston - Evolution, 1990 - academic.oup.com
We examine the third phase of Wright's shifting‐balance theory of evolution, the exportation
by migration of favorable gene combinations from a fitter subgroup to the rest of the …

Adaptive walks on behavioural landscapes and the evolution of optimal behaviour by natural selection

M Mangel - Evolutionary Ecology, 1991 - Springer
One of the main challenges to the adaptationist programme in general and to the use of
optimality models in behavioural and evolutionary ecology in particular is that natural …

Founder-effect speciation theory: failure of experimental corroboration.

A Moya, A Galiana, FJ Ayala - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 1995 - pnas.org
The theory of founder-effect speciation proposes that colonization by very few individuals of
an empty habitat favors rapid genetic changes and the evolution of a new species. We report …