[HTML][HTML] Creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration: assessment, certification, and promotion of 21st century skills for the future of work and …
This article addresses educational challenges posed by the future of work, examining “21st
century skills”, their conception, assessment, and valorization. It focuses in particular on key …
century skills”, their conception, assessment, and valorization. It focuses in particular on key …
The effectiveness of collaborative problem solving in promoting students' critical thinking: A meta-analysis based on empirical literature
E Xu, W Wang, Q Wang - Humanities and Social Sciences …, 2023 - nature.com
Collaborative problem-solving has been widely embraced in the classroom instruction of
critical thinking, which is regarded as the core of curriculum reform based on key …
critical thinking, which is regarded as the core of curriculum reform based on key …
[HTML][HTML] Countering misinformation
Develo** effective interventions to counter misinformation is an urgent goal, but it also
presents conceptual, empirical, and practical difficulties, compounded by the fact that …
presents conceptual, empirical, and practical difficulties, compounded by the fact that …
Methodologies for teaching-learning critical thinking in higher education: The teacher's view
MJ Bezanilla, D Fernández-Nogueira, M Poblete… - Thinking skills and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Critical thinking is a competency which is being required from students in their personal and
professional life. For this reason, universities must do their most to include it in their syllabus …
professional life. For this reason, universities must do their most to include it in their syllabus …
El pensamiento crítico desde la perspectiva de los docentes universitarios
MJ Bezanilla-Albisua, M Poblete-Ruiz… - Estudios pedagógicos …, 2018 - SciELO Chile
Gracias al desarrollo del aprendizaje basado en competencias, se ha producido un gran
interés por el pensamiento crítico en la educación superior. La empleabilidad, por otra …
interés por el pensamiento crítico en la educación superior. La empleabilidad, por otra …
Critical thinking in the context of adult learning through PBL and e-learning: A course framework
LF Santos-Meneses, T Pashchenko… - Thinking Skills and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Critical thinking (CT) is increasingly recognized in higher education and industry as an
important set of skills and dispositions that citizens should possess in 21st-century society …
important set of skills and dispositions that citizens should possess in 21st-century society …
Critical thinking across the curriculum: A vision
RH Ennis - Topoi, 2018 - Springer
This essay offers a comprehensive vision for a higher education program incorporating
critical thinking across the curriculum (CTAC) at hypothetical Alpha College, employing a …
critical thinking across the curriculum (CTAC) at hypothetical Alpha College, employing a …
Critical thinking in practice: The priorities and practices of instructors teaching in higher education
Critical thinking features in university syllabi, programmes, and classes both in the UK and
US and is considered one of the primary learning outcomes of higher education. Yet …
US and is considered one of the primary learning outcomes of higher education. Yet …
The case against education: Why the education system is a waste of time and money
B Caplan - 2019 - torrossa.com
When I started writing this book, I knew I'd need to read piles of research but failed to foresee
the enormity of the piles. Education isn't just a major industry; it inspires researchers' …
the enormity of the piles. Education isn't just a major industry; it inspires researchers' …
[PDF][PDF] Understanding the purpose of higher education: An analysis of the economic and social benefits for completing a college degree
RY Chan - Journal of Education Policy, Planning and …, 2016 - scholar.harvard.edu
Higher education worldwide is facing unprecedented challenges—the dramatic rise of
forprofit institutions, rapidly increasing expectations about what services colleges and …
forprofit institutions, rapidly increasing expectations about what services colleges and …