Political social media marketing: a systematic literature review and agenda for future research
We focus on political marketing and conduct a systematic literature review of journal articles
exploring political marketing on social media. The systematic literature review delineates the …
exploring political marketing on social media. The systematic literature review delineates the …
Politicians, parties, and government representatives on Instagram: A review of research approaches, usage patterns, and effects
JBJ Bast - Review of Communication Research, 2021 - rcommunicationr.org
The photo and video sharing social network Instagram attracts an impressive number of
users, among them political actors such as politicians, parties, and members of the …
users, among them political actors such as politicians, parties, and members of the …
Instagram and political campaigning in the 2017 German federal election. A quantitative content analysis of German top politicians' and parliamentary parties' posts
This article compares the communication strategies of party and candidate accounts on
Instagram during the 2017 German federal election. Building upon previous research, we …
Instagram during the 2017 German federal election. Building upon previous research, we …
Picture me in person: Personalization and emotionalization as political campaign strategies on social media in the German federal election period 2021
Due to the possibilities of direct communication with voters, politicians successfully use
social media for personalization and emotionalization in election campaigns. However …
social media for personalization and emotionalization in election campaigns. However …
Calls to (what kind of?) action: A framework for comparing political actors' campaign strategies across social media platforms
Politicians can use social media to prompt citizens to engage by means of calls to action—
statements, often in imperative form, that explicitly encourage audiences to take immediate …
statements, often in imperative form, that explicitly encourage audiences to take immediate …
Map** publication trend of political parties campaign in social media: a bibliometric analysis
This study aims to determine the development of research with the theme political parties
campaign in social media from 2015 to 2021. This research is a type of qualitative research …
campaign in social media from 2015 to 2021. This research is a type of qualitative research …
Politicians over issues? Visual personalization in three Instagram election campaigns
The increased use of social media has triggered a visual shift in digital political
communication. One central strategy is visual (self-) personalization and many studies have …
communication. One central strategy is visual (self-) personalization and many studies have …
De la localización a la movilización. Evolución del uso electoral de Instagram en España de 2015 a 2019
Resumen GAMIR-RIOS, José; CANO-ORON, Lorena y LAVA-SANTOS, David. From
localization to mobilization. Evolution of the electoral use of Instagram in Spain from 2015 to …
localization to mobilization. Evolution of the electoral use of Instagram in Spain from 2015 to …
Social media marketing: Adoption, strategies, approaches, audience behavior, and content for political marketing
Social media has become an indispensable part of modern politics. Its rise in the political
arena has coincided with the decline in trust toward mainstream media. Today, more than …
arena has coincided with the decline in trust toward mainstream media. Today, more than …
Bonding with followers: Chronotopes and scales in political communication on Instagram
A De Fina - Discourse Studies, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
In this study, I apply the notions of chronotopes and scales to analyze how Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez, a US politician and activist, constructs a relatable persona in her Instagram …
Ocasio-Cortez, a US politician and activist, constructs a relatable persona in her Instagram …