Balance performance of healthy young individuals in real versus matched virtual environments: a systematic sco** review
Background Due to technological advancements and the development of consumer-
oriented head mounted displays (HMDs), virtual reality (VR) is used in studies on balance …
oriented head mounted displays (HMDs), virtual reality (VR) is used in studies on balance …
Development and effects of head-mounted display-based home-visits virtual reality simulation program for nursing students
MK Ahn, CM Lee - Journal of Korean academy of nursing, 2021 - koreascience.kr
Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of head monted display based home-visits
virtual reality simulation (HVRS) program developed for undergraduate nursing students …
virtual reality simulation (HVRS) program developed for undergraduate nursing students …
The effect of immersive virtual reality on balance: an exploratory study on the feasibility of head-mounted displays for balance evaluation
O Rosiak, N Pietrzak, A Szczęsna, I Kulczak… - Scientific Reports, 2024 - nature.com
Global interest in applying virtual reality (VR) in research and medicine has grown
significantly, with potential benefits for patients suffering from balance disorders, instability …
significantly, with potential benefits for patients suffering from balance disorders, instability …
The Eyes Have It: Visual Feedback Methods to Make Walking in Immersive Virtual Reality More Accessible for People With Mobility Impairments While Utilizing Head …
The use of Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs) in Virtual Reality (VR) can cause gait
disturbance problems for users because they are unable to see the real world while in VR …
disturbance problems for users because they are unable to see the real world while in VR …
Applications of Immersive Virtual Reality for Illicit Substance Use: A Systematic Review
J Samora, H Jeong, FN Conway… - Journal of Studies on …, 2024 - jsad.com
Objective: This study aims to review applications of immersive, head-mounted display
(HMD)–delivered virtual reality (VR) technology for the assessment and modification of …
(HMD)–delivered virtual reality (VR) technology for the assessment and modification of …
Visual cues for a steadier you: visual feedback methods improved standing balance in virtual reality for people with balance impairments
Users of head-mounted displays (HMDs) for virtual reality (VR) sometimes have balance
issues since HMDs impede their view of the outside world. This has a greater impact on …
issues since HMDs impede their view of the outside world. This has a greater impact on …
Auditory feedback for standing balance improvement in virtual reality
Virtual Reality (VR) users often experience postural instability, ie, balance problems, which
could be a major barrier to universal usability and accessibility for all, especially for persons …
could be a major barrier to universal usability and accessibility for all, especially for persons …
Cybersickness in people with multiple sclerosis exposed to immersive virtual reality
Together with the wide range of possible benefits for the rehabilitation/training of people with
multiple sclerosis (pwMS) and other neurologic conditions, exposure to immersive virtual …
multiple sclerosis (pwMS) and other neurologic conditions, exposure to immersive virtual …
Standing balance improvement using vibrotactile feedback in virtual reality
Virtual Reality (VR) users often encounter postural instability, ie, balance issues, which can
be a significant impediment to universal usability and accessibility, particularly for those with …
be a significant impediment to universal usability and accessibility, particularly for those with …
Adaptation of postural sway in a standing position during tilted video viewing using virtual reality: a comparison between younger and older adults
T Tashiro, N Maeda, T Abekura, R Mizuta, Y Terao… - Sensors, 2024 - mdpi.com
This study aimed to investigate the effects of wearing virtual reality (VR) with a head-
mounted display (HMD) on body sway in younger and older adults. A standing posture with …
mounted display (HMD) on body sway in younger and older adults. A standing posture with …