Sediment transport and morphodynamical modeling on the estuaries and coastal zone of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta
The estuaries and coastal zones of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta located at the end of the
Mekong Basin are susceptible to a large variety of natural threats and human interventions …
Mekong Basin are susceptible to a large variety of natural threats and human interventions …
Modelling suspended sediment dynamics on the subaqueous delta of the Mekong River
Fluvial sediment is the major source for the formation and development of the Mekong Delta.
This paper aims to analyse the dynamics of suspended sediment and to investigate the roles …
This paper aims to analyse the dynamics of suspended sediment and to investigate the roles …
[HTML][HTML] The significance of coastal bathymetry representation for modelling the tidal response to mean sea level rise in the German Bight
C Rasquin, R Seiffert, B Wachler, N Winkel - Ocean Science, 2020 - os.copernicus.org
Due to climate change an accelerated mean sea level rise is expected. One key question for
the development of adaptation measures is how mean sea level rise affects tidal dynamics …
the development of adaptation measures is how mean sea level rise affects tidal dynamics …
An automated calibration framework and open source tools for 3D lake hydrodynamic models
Understanding lake dynamics is crucial to provide scientifically credible information for
ecosystem management. In this context, three-dimensional hydrodynamic models are a key …
ecosystem management. In this context, three-dimensional hydrodynamic models are a key …
Efficient parallel surrogate optimization algorithm and framework with application to parameter calibration of computationally expensive three-dimensional …
Parameter calibration for computationally expensive environmental models (eg,
hydrodynamic models) is challenging because of limits on computing budget and on human …
hydrodynamic models) is challenging because of limits on computing budget and on human …
Selection of JONSWAP spectra parameters during water-depth and sea-state transitions
The design of marine structures requires the simulation of wave parameters that consider
sea-state and water-depth transitions. Proper selection of the model coefficients (eg, alpha …
sea-state and water-depth transitions. Proper selection of the model coefficients (eg, alpha …
Early warning system for floods at estuarine areas: combining artificial intelligence with process-based models
Floods are among the most common natural disasters, causing countless losses every year
worldwide and demanding urgent measures to mitigate their impacts. This study proposes a …
worldwide and demanding urgent measures to mitigate their impacts. This study proposes a …
Hydrodynamic modelling and model sensitivities to bed roughness and bathymetry offset in a micro-tidal estuary
Tidal estuaries support everyday functions for over 80% of Australia's population living
within 50 km of the coastline and thus come under immense pressure of physicochemical …
within 50 km of the coastline and thus come under immense pressure of physicochemical …
[PDF][PDF] Identificación de la influencia de las variaciones convectivas en la generación de cargas transitorias y su efecto hidromecánico en las estructuras Offshore
JG Rueda Bayona - 2017 - manglar.uninorte.edu.co
The research identifies and explains the origin of transient hydrodynamic loads that affect
offshore structures. Knowledge is provided in oceanography to understand the physical …
offshore structures. Knowledge is provided in oceanography to understand the physical …
Simulating the coastal ocean circulation near the Cape Peninsula using a coupled numerical model
A coupled numerical hydrodynamic model is presented for the Cape Peninsula region of
South Africa. The model is intended to support a range of interdisciplinary coastal …
South Africa. The model is intended to support a range of interdisciplinary coastal …