[HTML][HTML] Choosing the Right Construction Method: A Comparative Study of Cost and Timeline for Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches
Ç Meral, BA Temel, HB Başaga - Buildings, 2024 - mdpi.com
The selection of an appropriate construction method stands as a pivotal decision in ensuring
the success of any building project. This paper undertakes a comprehensive comparative …
the success of any building project. This paper undertakes a comprehensive comparative …
Top-down excavation of an underpass linking two large-scale basements in sandy soil
X Ji, P Ni, W Zhao, H Yu - Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2019 - Springer
Demands for underground space (eg, metro stations, deep basements, and underpass) in
congested urban areas have been increasingly growing in recent years. The top-down …
congested urban areas have been increasingly growing in recent years. The top-down …
Экореконструкция городского пространства Волгограда на принципах субурбанизации городских территорий
АД Потапов, СГ Абрамян, АМ Ахмедов - Вестник МГСУ, 2014 - cyberleninka.ru
Рассмотрены принципиальная необходимость и основные проблемы
экореконструкции городского пространства. Приведены аргументы в пользу …
экореконструкции городского пространства. Приведены аргументы в пользу …
Determining the optimal construction method for basements using the Analytic Hierarchy Process
A Maaruf, P Oleynik - E3S Web of Conferences, 2021 - e3s-conferences.org
In the construction industry, there are two methods for constructing basements (Top-Down)
and (Bottom-UP). The difference between them lies in the sequence of works, since in the …
and (Bottom-UP). The difference between them lies in the sequence of works, since in the …
Top-down construction method: A case study for underpass structure in Qatar
A Kara, A Chelliah, T Tzaveas - Proceedings of the International …, 2023 - journals.qu.edu.qa
Abstract The Cut and Cover construction method has been applied to build several
underpass structures within the expressway programme of the Highway Projects …
underpass structures within the expressway programme of the Highway Projects …
[PDF][PDF] Time dependent evolutionary fuzzy support vector machine inference model for predicting diaphragm wall deflection
Brace diaphragm walls are commonly used in underground structures in metropolitan areas,
where avoiding costly damage to adjacent infrastructure/buildings is critical to project …
where avoiding costly damage to adjacent infrastructure/buildings is critical to project …
[PDF][PDF] Comparison between top down construction method and bottom up construction method: Case study
K Prince, SL Theertha, S Sujithom… - Int. Res. J. Eng …, 2020 - academia.edu
The construction of a building involves various processes such as site selection, survey, soil
testing, locating ground water table, excavation of soil, structural design, material availability …
testing, locating ground water table, excavation of soil, structural design, material availability …
Optimización de procesos constructivos de cimentación aplicando metodología top down en edificaciones de oficinas en la ciudad de lima
GM Napa Ercilla - 2019 - repositorioacademico.upc.edu.pe
En el presente trabajo se realizó una evaluación de construcción de una edificación de
oficinas en Lima mediante dos procesos constructivos, el tradicional con estabilización de …
oficinas en Lima mediante dos procesos constructivos, el tradicional con estabilización de …
[PDF][PDF] Numerical Analysis of Top-down construction method of high-rise buildings and its effects on substructures with their corresponding heights
DAH Abualghethe, M Baogang - researchgate.net
Abstract The Top-Down construction method has been used widely in urban areas,
particularly in high-rise buildings with basements. This paper presents the Nan**g **mao …
particularly in high-rise buildings with basements. This paper presents the Nan**g **mao …
[PDF][PDF] Top-Down Construction Method: A Case Study For Underpass Structure in Qatar Paper ID: 11
A Kara, A Chelliah, T Tzaveas - researchgate.net
ABSTRACT The Cut and Cover construction method has been applied to build several
underpass structures within the expressway programme of the highway projects department …
underpass structures within the expressway programme of the highway projects department …