Agent-based macroeconomics

H Dawid, DD Gatti - Handbook of computational economics, 2018‏ - Elsevier
This chapter surveys work dedicated to macroeconomic analysis using an agent-based
modeling approach. After a short review of the origins and general characteristics of this …

Heterogeneous agent models in economics and finance

CH Hommes - Handbook of computational economics, 2006‏ - Elsevier
This chapter surveys work on dynamic heterogeneous agent models (HAMs) in economics
and finance. Emphasis is given to simple models that, at least to some extent, are tractable …

Overreaction in macroeconomic expectations

P Bordalo, N Gennaioli, Y Ma, A Shleifer - American Economic Review, 2020‏ -
We study the rationality of individual and consensus forecasts of macroeconomic and
financial variables using the methodology of Coibion and Gorodnichenko (2015), who …

How social influence can undermine the wisdom of crowd effect

J Lorenz, H Rauhut, F Schweitzer, D Helbing - Proceedings of the national …, 2011‏ -
Social groups can be remarkably smart and knowledgeable when their averaged
judgements are compared with the judgements of individuals. Already Galton [Galton F …

Behavioral and experimental macroeconomics and policy analysis: A complex systems approach

C Hommes - Journal of Economic Literature, 2021‏ -
This survey discusses behavioral and experimental macroeconomics, emphasizing a
complex systems perspective. The economy consists of boundedly rational heterogeneous …

[ספר][B] Behavioral rationality and heterogeneous expectations in complex economic systems

C Hommes - 2013‏ -
Recognising that the economy is a complex system with boundedly rational interacting
agents, the book presents a theory of behavioral rationality and heterogeneous expectations …

Ethnic diversity deflates price bubbles

SS Levine, EP Apfelbaum, M Bernard… - Proceedings of the …, 2014‏ -
Markets are central to modern society, so their failures can be devastating. Here, we
examine a prominent failure: price bubbles. Bubbles emerge when traders err collectively in …

The heterogeneous expectations hypothesis: Some evidence from the lab

C Hommes - Journal of Economic dynamics and control, 2011‏ - Elsevier
This paper surveys learning-to-forecast experiments (LtFEs) with human subjects to test
theories of expectations and learning. Subjects must repeatedly forecast a market price …

Behavioral heterogeneity in stock prices

HP Boswijk, CH Hommes, S Manzan - Journal of Economic dynamics and …, 2007‏ - Elsevier
We estimate a dynamic asset pricing model characterized by heterogeneous boundedly
rational agents. The fundamental value of the risky asset is publicly available to all agents …

Herding behavior, market sentiment and volatility: will the bubble resume?

S Bekiros, M Jlassi, B Lucey, K Naoui… - The North American …, 2017‏ - Elsevier
This paper aims to investigate herding behavior and its impact on volatility under
uncertainty. We apply a cross-sectional absolute deviation approach as well as Quantile …