Impacts of low oxygen on marine life: neglected, but a crucial priority for research
Global ocean O2 content has varied significantly across the eons, both sha** and being
shaped by the evolutionary history of life on planet Earth. Indeed, past O2 fluctuations have …
shaped by the evolutionary history of life on planet Earth. Indeed, past O2 fluctuations have …
Impacts of ocean warming on echinoderms: A meta‐analysis
Rising ocean temperatures are threatening marine species and populations worldwide, and
ectothermic taxa are particularly vulnerable. Echinoderms are an ecologically important …
ectothermic taxa are particularly vulnerable. Echinoderms are an ecologically important …
Warming waters lead to increased habitat suitability for juvenile bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas)
Coastal ecosystems are highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and other
stressors, including urbanization and overfishing. Consequently, distributions of coastal fish …
stressors, including urbanization and overfishing. Consequently, distributions of coastal fish …
Climate-change impacts on cephalopods: a meta-analysis
Aside from being one of the most fascinating groups of marine organisms, cephalopods play
a major role in marine food webs, both as predators and as prey, while representing key …
a major role in marine food webs, both as predators and as prey, while representing key …
Vulnerability of Eastern Tropical Pacific chondrichthyan fish to climate change
Climate change is an environmental emergency threatening species and ecosystems
globally. Oceans have absorbed about 90% of anthropogenic heat and 20%–30% of the …
globally. Oceans have absorbed about 90% of anthropogenic heat and 20%–30% of the …
Long‐term effects of climate change on juvenile bull shark migratory patterns
Seasonal variability in environmental conditions is a strong determinant of animal
migrations, but warming temperatures associated with climate change are anticipated to …
migrations, but warming temperatures associated with climate change are anticipated to …
Global risk assessment of sharks to climate change
In what has been referred to as a 'perfect storm', it is now clear that we will be concurrently
facing both a biodiversity and climate crisis over the incoming decades. In this context, we …
facing both a biodiversity and climate crisis over the incoming decades. In this context, we …
Local adaptation with gene flow in a highly dispersive shark
Adaptive divergence in response to environmental clines are expected to be common in
species occupying heterogeneous environments. Despite numerous advances in …
species occupying heterogeneous environments. Despite numerous advances in …
Immunological resilience of a temperate catshark to a simulated marine heatwave
S Martins, C Ferreira, AP Mateus… - Journal of …, 2024 -
Marine heatwaves (MHWs) have recently been proposed to be more relevant in driving
population changes than the continuous increase in average temperatures associated with …
population changes than the continuous increase in average temperatures associated with …
Aquatic walking and swimming kinematics of neonate and juvenile epaulette sharks
The epaulette shark, Hemiscyllium ocellatum, is a small, reef-dwelling, benthic shark that—
using its paired fins—can walk, both in and out of water. Within the reef flats, this species …
using its paired fins—can walk, both in and out of water. Within the reef flats, this species …