Semi-Substructural Logics with Additives

N Veltri, CS Wan - arxiv preprint arxiv:2404.14922, 2024‏ -
This work concerns the proof theory of (left) skew monoidal categories and their variants (eg
closed monoidal, symmetric monoidal), continuing the line of work initiated in recent years …

Semi-Substructural Logics\a la Lambek

CS Wan - arxiv preprint arxiv:2501.00496, 2024‏ -
This work studies the proof theory of left (right) skew monoidal closed categories and skew
monoidal bi-closed categories from the perspective of non-associative Lambek calculus …

Proof theory of skew non-commutative MILL

T Uustalu, N Veltri, CS Wan - arxiv preprint arxiv:2204.06727, 2022‏ -
Monoidal closed categories naturally model NMILL, non-commutative multiplicative
intuitionistic linear logic: the monoidal unit and tensor interpret the multiplicative verum and …

Maximally Multi-focused Proofs for Skew Non-Commutative MILL

N Veltri - … Workshop on Logic, Language, Information, and …, 2023‏ - Springer
Multi-focusing is a generalization of Andreoli's focusing procedure which allows the parallel
application of synchronous rules to multiple formulae under focus. By restricting to the class …

Coherence via focusing for symmetric skew monoidal and symmetric skew closed categories

N Veltri - Journal of Logic and Computation, 2024‏ -
The symmetric skew monoidal categories of Bourke and Lack are a weakening of Mac
Lane's symmetric monoidal categories where (i) the three structural laws of left and right …

[ספר][B] Logic, Language, Information, and Computation: 29th International Workshop, WoLLIC 2023, Halifax, NS, Canada, July 11–14, 2023, Proceedings

HH Hansen, A Scedrov, RJGB de Queiroz - 2023‏ -
Edited in collaboration with FoLLI, the Association of Logic, Language and Information this
book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the of the 29th International Workshop on …

Coherence by Normalization for Linear Multicategorical Structures

F Olimpieri - arxiv preprint arxiv:2302.05755, 2023‏ -
We establish a formal correspondence between resource calculi an appropriate linear
multicategories. We consider the cases of (symmetric) representable, symmetric closed and …

[PDF][PDF] Craig Interpolation for Semi-Substructural Logics

N Veltri, CS Wan‏ -
This work studies Craig interpolation for the logic SkNMILL, a substructural logic admitting
only a directed notion of associativity and unitality. In this setting, Craig interpolation cannot …

Logic, Language, Information, and Computation

Logic, Language, Information, and Computation Page 1 Helle Hvid Hansen Andre Scedrov
Ruy JGB de Queiroz (Eds.) LNCS 13923 Logic, Language, Information, and Computation 29th …

[PDF][PDF] Logics of skew categorical structures

T Uustalu, N Veltri, CS Wan - Organizers and Programme Committee, 2022‏ -
There is an important correspondence, first noticed and highlighted by Joachim Lambek
(1968), between logics on the one hand and structures on categories on the other hand …