Complete and consistent chiral transport from Wigner function formalism
Recently, there has been significant interest in understanding the macroscopic quantum
transport in a many-body system of chiral fermions. A natural framework for describing such …
transport in a many-body system of chiral fermions. A natural framework for describing such …
Emergence of Fermi arcs due to magnetic splitting in an antiferromagnet
The Fermi surface plays an important role in controlling the electronic, transport and
thermodynamic properties of materials. As the Fermi surface consists of closed contours in …
thermodynamic properties of materials. As the Fermi surface consists of closed contours in …
Planar Hall effect in tilted Weyl semimetals
In the semiclassical regime, the chiral anomaly of the Weyl semimetals is demonstrated by
the quadratic longitudinal magnetoconductivity. Recently the planar Hall effect is proposed …
the quadratic longitudinal magnetoconductivity. Recently the planar Hall effect is proposed …
Rare-earth monopnictides: Family of antiferromagnets hosting magnetic Fermi arcs
Since the discovery of topological insulators a great deal of research effort has been
devoted to magnetic topological materials, in which nontrivial spin properties can be …
devoted to magnetic topological materials, in which nontrivial spin properties can be …
Directional effects of antiferromagnetic ordering on the electronic structure in NdSb
The recent discovery of unconventional surface-state pairs, which give rise to Fermi arcs and
spin textures, in antiferromagnetically ordered NdBi raised the interest in rare-earth …
spin textures, in antiferromagnetically ordered NdBi raised the interest in rare-earth …
Magnetoresistance in LuBi and YBi semimetals due to nearly perfect carrier compensation
Monobismuthides of lutetium and yttrium are shown as representatives of materials which
exhibit extreme magnetoresistance and magnetic-field-induced resistivity plateaus. At low …
exhibit extreme magnetoresistance and magnetic-field-induced resistivity plateaus. At low …
Tunable electronic structure and topological properties of LnPn (Ln= Ce, Pr, Sm, Gd, Yb; Pn= Sb, Bi)
Recently, the rare-earth monopnictide compounds LnPn have attracted considerable
attention in condensed matter physics studies due to their possible topological properties …
attention in condensed matter physics studies due to their possible topological properties …
Extreme magnetoresistance in magnetic rare-earth monopnictides
The acute sensitivity of the electrical resistance of certain systems to magnetic fields known
as extreme magnetoresistance (XMR) has recently been explored in a new materials context …
as extreme magnetoresistance (XMR) has recently been explored in a new materials context …
Epitaxial growth, magnetoresistance, and electronic band structure of GdSb magnetic semimetal films
Motivated by observations of extreme magnetoresistance (XMR) in bulk crystals of rare-earth
monopnictide (RE-V) compounds and emerging applications in novel spintronic and …
monopnictide (RE-V) compounds and emerging applications in novel spintronic and …
Semimetallic, half-metallic, Semiconducting, and metallic states in Gd-Sb compounds
ST Baidak, AV Lukoyanov - International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023 -
The electronic and band structures of the Gd-and Sb-based intermetallic materials have
been explored using the theoretical ab initio approach, accounting for strong electron …
been explored using the theoretical ab initio approach, accounting for strong electron …