Alien invasive pathogens and pests harming trees, forests, and plantations: Pathways, global consequences and management
Forest health worldwide is impacted by many invasive alien pathogens and pests (IAPPs)
that cause significant harm, with severe economic losses and environmental alterations …
that cause significant harm, with severe economic losses and environmental alterations …
Detection of Paecilomyces formosus in wood-boring beetles associated with oak dieback and decline in the Zagros forests of Iran
Oak dieback disease caused by the fungus Paecilomyces formosus threatens oak trees in
the Zagros forests in western Iran. Various insects, such as wood-infesting beetles …
the Zagros forests in western Iran. Various insects, such as wood-infesting beetles …
Current status of Botryosphaeriaceae species in Italy: Impacts on agricultural crops and forest ecosystems
Many fungi belonging to Botryosphaeriaceae are well-known as causal agents of diseases
in economically and ecologically important agricultural crops and forest trees. In Italy, the …
in economically and ecologically important agricultural crops and forest trees. In Italy, the …
Pathogenic fungi and oomycetes causing dieback on Fraxinus species in the Mediterranean climate change hotspot region
A Benigno, C Bregant, C Aglietti, G Rossetto… - Frontiers in forests and …, 2023 -
Environmental changes are occurring on a global scale, but their effects are most
pronounced in climate change hotspot zones, such as the Mediterranean basin. Within this …
pronounced in climate change hotspot zones, such as the Mediterranean basin. Within this …
Widespread mortality of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) throughout interior Alaskan boreal forests resulting from a novel canker disease
RW Ruess, LM Winton, GC Adams - PLoS One, 2021 -
Over the past several decades, growth declines and mortality of trembling aspen throughout
western Canada and the United States have been linked to drought, often interacting with …
western Canada and the United States have been linked to drought, often interacting with …
Recent advances in the monitoring, assessment and Management of Forest Pathogens and Pests
Tree pathogens and pests are fundamental components of forest ecosystems. By killing and
decomposing susceptible trees, they regulate the cycle of nutrients and energy flow, thus …
decomposing susceptible trees, they regulate the cycle of nutrients and energy flow, thus …
Factors influencing the oak lace bug (Hemiptera: Tingidae) behavior on oaks: feeding preference does not mean better performance?
Oak lace bug–Corythucha arcuata (Say, 1832)(Hemiptera: Tingidae) is a North American
species that has been introduced to Europe and Asia, where it became a serious oak pest …
species that has been introduced to Europe and Asia, where it became a serious oak pest …
[PDF][PDF] An updated account of Fagales-inhabiting Italian Ascomycota and mycogeography, with additions to Pezizomycotina
SSN Maharachchikumbura, Y Wang… - Asian Journal of …, 2022 -
Studies of plant-associated Ascomycota are topical, as they have varied life modes
depending on their hosts in different ecosystems. In Italy, Fagales are economically and …
depending on their hosts in different ecosystems. In Italy, Fagales are economically and …
[HTML][HTML] The Diversity and Dynamics of Fungi in Dryocosmus kuriphilus Community
XH Yang, XM Li, DH Zhu, Y Zeng, LQ Zhao - Insects, 2021 -
Simple Summary Dryocosmus kuriphilus is an invasive pest species which is native to China
and is widely distributed in Asia, Europe and North America. D. kuriphilus induces insect …
and is widely distributed in Asia, Europe and North America. D. kuriphilus induces insect …
[HTML][HTML] Status of charcoal canker on oak trees at a site of community importance: case study of the relict Castelfidardo forest (SIC Area IT520008, Castelfidardo, AN …
S Murolo, J Concas, A Salerno, F Maiorano… - Forests, 2021 -
Oaks are dominant and key tree species in Mediterranean forest ecosystems. However, in
recent decades, oak forests have been heavily impacted by oak decline, a worldwide …
recent decades, oak forests have been heavily impacted by oak decline, a worldwide …