The pathogenic basis of malaria
LH Miller, DI Baruch, K Marsh, OK Doumbo - Nature, 2002 - nature.com
Malaria is today a disease of poverty and underdeveloped countries. In Africa, mortality
remains high because there is limited access to treatment in the villages. We should follow …
remains high because there is limited access to treatment in the villages. We should follow …
Parasite recognition and signaling mechanisms in innate immune responses to malaria
DC Gowda, X Wu - Frontiers in immunology, 2018 - frontiersin.org
Malaria caused by the Plasmodium family of parasites, especially P. falciparum and P. vivax,
is a major health problem in many countries in the tropical and subtropical regions of the …
is a major health problem in many countries in the tropical and subtropical regions of the …
Malaria: progress, perils, and prospects for eradication
There are still approximately 500 million cases of malaria and 1 million deaths from malaria
each year. Yet recently, malaria incidence has been dramatically reduced in some parts of …
each year. Yet recently, malaria incidence has been dramatically reduced in some parts of …
Immunological processes in malaria pathogenesis
L Schofield, GE Grau - Nature Reviews Immunology, 2005 - nature.com
Malaria is possibly the most serious infectious disease of humans, infecting 5–10% of the
world's population, with 300–600 million clinical cases and more than 2 million deaths …
world's population, with 300–600 million clinical cases and more than 2 million deaths …
Induction of proinflammatory responses in macrophages by the glycosylphosphatidylinositols of Plasmodium falciparum: cell signaling receptors …
G Krishnegowda, AM Hajjar, J Zhu, EJ Douglass… - Journal of Biological …, 2005 - jbc.org
The glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchors of Plasmodium falciparum have been
proposed to be the major factors that contribute to malaria pathogenesis through their ability …
proposed to be the major factors that contribute to malaria pathogenesis through their ability …
The war between the malaria parasite and the immune system: immunity, immunoregulation and immunopathology
K Artavanis-Tsakonas, JE Tongren… - Clinical & Experimental …, 2003 - academic.oup.com
Throughout history malaria has proved to be a significant threat to human health. Between
300 and 500 million clinical cases occur each year worldwide, approximately 2 million of …
300 and 500 million clinical cases occur each year worldwide, approximately 2 million of …
Synthetic GPI as a candidate anti-toxic vaccine in a model of malaria
L Schofield, MC Hewitt, K Evans, MA Siomos… - Nature, 2002 - nature.com
The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum infects 5–10% of the world's population and
kills two million people annually. Fatalities are thought to result in part from pathological …
kills two million people annually. Fatalities are thought to result in part from pathological …
Multiprotein complex between the GPI-anchored CyRPA with PfRH5 and PfRipr is crucial for Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte invasion
Erythrocyte invasion by Plasmodium falciparum merozoites is a highly intricate process in
which Plasmodium falciparum reticulocyte binding-like homologous protein 5 (PfRH5) is an …
which Plasmodium falciparum reticulocyte binding-like homologous protein 5 (PfRH5) is an …
Protozoan encounters with Toll-like receptor signalling pathways: implications for host parasitism
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have emerged as a major receptor family involved in non-self
recognition. They have a vital role in triggering innate immunity and orchestrate the acquired …
recognition. They have a vital role in triggering innate immunity and orchestrate the acquired …
Synthesis and conformational and biological aspects of carbasugars
Carbohydrate chemistry constitutes today a “multifaceted” discipline strongly connected with
organic, pharmaceutical, and medicinal chemistry. 1 Carbohydrates are important …
organic, pharmaceutical, and medicinal chemistry. 1 Carbohydrates are important …