Eco-Friendly Synthesis, Crystal Chemistry, and Magnetic Properties of Manganese-Substituted CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles
The authors report on the effect of manganese (Mn) substitution on the crystal chemistry,
morphology, particle size distribution characteristics, chemical bonding, structure, and …
morphology, particle size distribution characteristics, chemical bonding, structure, and …
Enhancing the strain sensitivity of CoFe 2 O 4 at low magnetic fields without affecting the magnetostriction coefficient by substitution of small amounts of Mg for Fe
PN Anantharamaiah, PA Joy - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016 - pubs.rsc.org
Attaining high magnetostrictive strain sensitivity (dλ/dH) with high magnetostriction strain (λ)
is desirable for sintered polycrystalline cobalt ferrite for various applications. It is shown that …
is desirable for sintered polycrystalline cobalt ferrite for various applications. It is shown that …
A review on potential sulfide-based ternary chalcogenides for emerging photo-assisted water purification applications
J Ravichandran, S Singh - Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023 - Springer
Sulfide-based ternary chalcogenides have been recognized widely as exceptional
photocatalysts, thanks to their narrow band gap enabling them to harvest solar energy to the …
photocatalysts, thanks to their narrow band gap enabling them to harvest solar energy to the …
A Joint Computational and Experimental Evaluation of CaMn2O4 Polymorphs as Cathode Materials for Ca Ion Batteries
MEA Dompablo, C Krich, J Nava-Avendaño… - Chemistry of …, 2016 - ACS Publications
The identification of potential cathode materials is a must for the development of a new
calcium-ion based battery technology. In this work, we have first explored the …
calcium-ion based battery technology. In this work, we have first explored the …
Structural and magnetic properties of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles doped with cadmium
The magnetization of CoFe 2 O 4 nanoparticles is often less than the bulk value of 3.6 μB
(86 emu/g), corresponding to an inverse distribution of cations in the spinel structure. This …
(86 emu/g), corresponding to an inverse distribution of cations in the spinel structure. This …
Transformation in structural phase on annealing and its impact on optical and dielectric properties of manganese ferrite nanoparticles
Manganese ferrite (MFO) nanoparticles (NPs) were synthesized via the sol–gel auto-
combustion method and annealed at 400, 500, and 600° C. The as-prepared and annealed …
combustion method and annealed at 400, 500, and 600° C. The as-prepared and annealed …
Mg and Cu incorporated CoFe2O4 catalyst: characterization and methane cracking performance for hydrogen and nano-carbon production
Abstract The Cobalt ferrite (CoFe 2 O 4) and cobalt ferrite incorporated with Cu (Cu–CoFe 2
O 4) and Mg (Mg–CoFe 2 O 4) have been synthesized by wet chemical route. In fixed-bed …
O 4) and Mg (Mg–CoFe 2 O 4) have been synthesized by wet chemical route. In fixed-bed …
Ordered-vacancy-enabled indium sulphide printed in wafer-scale with enhanced electron mobility
Metal chalcogenides are important members of the two-dimensional (2D) materials family
and have been extensively investigated for high-performance electronic device applications …
and have been extensively investigated for high-performance electronic device applications …
Tuning of the magnetostrictive properties of cobalt ferrite by forced distribution of substituted divalent metal ions at different crystallographic sites
PN Anantharamaiah, PA Joy - Journal of Applied Physics, 2017 - pubs.aip.org
Comparative studies have been made to understand the role of different crystallographic site
preferences of the substituted non-magnetic divalent metal ions in the magnetostrictive …
preferences of the substituted non-magnetic divalent metal ions in the magnetostrictive …
Optoelectronic and thermoelectric properties of spinel chalcogenides HgLa2X4 (X= S and Se): a first-principles study
We investigated spinel chalcogenides HgLa 2 (S/Se) 4 by using density function theory, and
scrutinized the structural, optical, electrical, mechanical and thermoelectric transport …
scrutinized the structural, optical, electrical, mechanical and thermoelectric transport …