[PDF][PDF] Perkembangan Pembungaan Lengkeng (Dimocarpus longan Lour)'Diamond river'Flowering Development of Longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour)'Diamond river'
ABSTRACT 'Diamond river'is an introduction plant that cultivated in Indonesian.
Development of Longan flower divided into eight stadiums during 28 days. First and second …
Development of Longan flower divided into eight stadiums during 28 days. First and second …
Morphological and phenological characteristics of petunia (Petunia hybrida Vilm.) flowering
Petunia hybrid Vilm. is an ornamental plant that has the potential to be developed because
its flowering period does not know the season and comes with various motifs and flower …
its flowering period does not know the season and comes with various motifs and flower …
[PDF][PDF] Kodifikasi dan Deskripsi Tahapan Pertumbuhan Fenologi Bunga Telang (Clitoria ternatea L.) Menurut Skala BBCH Codification and Description of …
Bunga telang (Clitoria ternatea L.) merupakan tanaman merambat tahunan dari famili
fabaceae yang diketahui memiliki banyak manfaat dan memiliki potensi besar untuk …
fabaceae yang diketahui memiliki banyak manfaat dan memiliki potensi besar untuk …
[PDF][PDF] Perkembangan bunga dan buah pirdot (Saurauia bracteosa DC.) DI Arboretum aek nauli
C Ali, A Aminah - Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Ekonomi Kehutanan, 2017 - academia.edu
Saurauia bracteosa DC is a potential plant for tumor and cancer medicine, but information
about the reproductive system is currently unknown. The purpose of this study was to …
about the reproductive system is currently unknown. The purpose of this study was to …
Variasi Jenis Dan Kultivar Kelengkeng (Nephellium longan L.) Unggulan di Kecamatan Poncokusumo Kabupaten Malang
MD Tamura, L Setyobudi, YBS Heddy - 2015 - neliti.com
Salah satu komoditas hortikultura yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi yang cukup tinggi dan
cukup banyak jenisnya di Indonesia ialah kelengkeng (Nephellium longan L.). Kabupaten …
cukup banyak jenisnya di Indonesia ialah kelengkeng (Nephellium longan L.). Kabupaten …
Flower and Fruit Development Phenology and Generative Reproduction Success of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis spp.
Abstract Information on flowers and fruits development (phenology) of the species Hibiscus
rosa-sinensisspp is needed to support the potential for genetic improvement programs or …
rosa-sinensisspp is needed to support the potential for genetic improvement programs or …
[PDF][PDF] Cek Plagiasi Asri 23
Clove “Raja" is one of the local Maluku clove germplasm, which has characteristics similar to
cultivated cloves and wild types. Until now, very limited information that are available on the …
cultivated cloves and wild types. Until now, very limited information that are available on the …
Fenologi Pembungaan Dua Varietas Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) di Kebun Pabatu PT. Perkebunan Nusantara IV
I Havira, I Suliansyah, WK Sari - jagur.faperta.unand.ac.id
Oil palm has the prospect of rapid development in Indonesia, which causes an increase in
plantation area to continue. However, the problem that is still encountered is the low …
plantation area to continue. However, the problem that is still encountered is the low …
[PDF][PDF] Perkembangan Pembungaan Lengkeng (Dimocarpus longan Lour)'Diamond river'
PS Tyas - 2013 - repository.unej.ac.id
Tanaman lengkeng Proses pembungaan terdiri atas sejumlah tahap yang penting dan
semua tahap harus berhasil dilangsungkan. Typical bunga angiosperms urutan …
semua tahap harus berhasil dilangsungkan. Typical bunga angiosperms urutan …
Serangan hama penyakit merupakan faktor pembatas dalam produksi wijen (Sesamum
indicum L.). Upaya perakitan varietas unggul wijen yang tahan terhadap hama penyakit …
indicum L.). Upaya perakitan varietas unggul wijen yang tahan terhadap hama penyakit …