[HTML][HTML] From DevOps to MLOps: Overview and application to electricity market forecasting
In the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Development and Operations (DevOps)
has been proven to deliver reliable, scalable software within a shorter time. Due to the …
has been proven to deliver reliable, scalable software within a shorter time. Due to the …
Prediction-based scheduling techniques for cloud data center's workload: a systematic review
A cloud data center provides various facilities such as storage, data accessibility, and
running many specific applications on cloud resources. The unpredictable demand for …
running many specific applications on cloud resources. The unpredictable demand for …
esDNN: deep neural network based multivariate workload prediction in cloud computing environments
Cloud computing has been regarded as a successful paradigm for IT industry by providing
benefits for both service providers and customers. In spite of the advantages, cloud …
benefits for both service providers and customers. In spite of the advantages, cloud …
CoScal: Multifaceted scaling of microservices with reinforcement learning
The emerging trend towards moving from monolithic applications to microservices has
raised new performance challenges in cloud computing environments. Compared with …
raised new performance challenges in cloud computing environments. Compared with …
Containerized microservices: A survey of resource management frameworks
The growing adoption of microservice architectures (MSAs) has led to major research and
development efforts to address their challenges and improve their performance, reliability …
development efforts to address their challenges and improve their performance, reliability …
Characteristics of co-allocated online services and batch jobs in internet data centers: a case study from Alibaba cloud
In order to reduce power and energy costs, giant cloud providers now mix online and batch
jobs on the same cluster. Although the co-allocation of such jobs improves machine …
jobs on the same cluster. Although the co-allocation of such jobs improves machine …
CLR-DRAM: A low-cost DRAM architecture enabling dynamic capacity-latency trade-off
DRAM is the prevalent main memory technology, but its long access latency can limit the
performance of many workloads. Although prior works provide DRAM designs that reduce …
performance of many workloads. Although prior works provide DRAM designs that reduce …
Practice of Alibaba cloud on elastic resource provisioning for large‐scale microservices cluster
Cloud‐native architecture is becoming increasingly crucial for today's cloud computing
environments due to the need for speed and flexibility in develo** applications. It utilizes …
environments due to the need for speed and flexibility in develo** applications. It utilizes …
The saturated multiserver job queuing model with two classes of jobs: Exact and approximate results
We consider a multiserver queue where jobs request for a varying number of servers for a
random service time. The requested number of servers is assigned to each job following a …
random service time. The requested number of servers is assigned to each job following a …
Characterizing co-located workloads in alibaba cloud datacenters
Workload characteristics are vital for both data center operation and job scheduling in co-
located data centers, where online services and batch jobs are deployed on the same …
located data centers, where online services and batch jobs are deployed on the same …