When large marine predators feed on fisheries catches: global patterns of the depredation conflict and directions for coexistence
The sustainable mitigation of human–wildlife conflicts has become a major societal and
environmental challenge globally. Among these conflicts, large marine predators feeding on …
environmental challenge globally. Among these conflicts, large marine predators feeding on …
Long-term seasonal and interannual patterns of marine mammal strandings in subtropical western South Atlantic
Understanding temporal patterns of marine mammal occurrence is useful for establishing
conservation strategies. We used a 38 yr-long dataset spanning 1976 to 2013 to describe …
conservation strategies. We used a 38 yr-long dataset spanning 1976 to 2013 to describe …
Mitigating bycatch and depredation of marine mammals in longline fisheries
Demersal and pelagic longline fisheries involve frequent and geographically widespread
interactions with many individuals, populations, and species of marine mammals. Animals …
interactions with many individuals, populations, and species of marine mammals. Animals …
A review of depredation modelling across terrestrial and marine realms: State of the art and future directions
Depredation has become a major concern worldwide as it jeopardises both socio-economic
activities and species conservation. While modelling can help to inform the management of …
activities and species conservation. While modelling can help to inform the management of …
Assessing the impact of toothed whale depredation on socio-ecosystems and fishery management in wide-ranging subantarctic fisheries
Marine predators feeding on fisheries catches directly on the fishing gear, a behaviour
termed “depredation”, has emerged as a major human-wildlife conflict globally, often …
termed “depredation”, has emerged as a major human-wildlife conflict globally, often …
Combining isotopic analysis of bulk-skin and individual amino acids to investigate the trophic position and foraging areas of multiple cetacean species in the western …
We investigated the trophic structure and habitat use of ten cetacean species occurring in
the oceanic waters of the western South Atlantic using naturally-occurring stable isotopes …
the oceanic waters of the western South Atlantic using naturally-occurring stable isotopes …
Sperm whale depredation on longline surveys and implications for the assessment of Alaska sablefish
Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) in the Gulf of Alaska depredate (remove or
damage fish caught on fishing gear) on the annual National Marine Fisheries Service's …
damage fish caught on fishing gear) on the annual National Marine Fisheries Service's …
[PDF][PDF] Anthropogenic impacts on the welfare of wild marine mammals.
Whaling Commission (2011) has considered whales sentient on the basis that they have
some level of Marine mammal welfare has most frequently been awareness, have some …
some level of Marine mammal welfare has most frequently been awareness, have some …
[PDF][PDF] Orcas (Orcinus orca) Use Different Strategies to Prey on Rays in the Gulf of California.
Figure 1.(a) Study area and orca (Orcinus orca) sightings in the southwest area of the Gulf of
California, México;(b) close-up of La Paz Bay (LPB) where encounters A1 to A5 were …
California, México;(b) close-up of La Paz Bay (LPB) where encounters A1 to A5 were …
Evidence of deep-sea interactions between toothed whales and longlines
Toothed whales (odontocetes) feeding on fish caught on hooks in longline fisheries is a
growing issue worldwide. The substantial impacts that this behaviour, called depredation …
growing issue worldwide. The substantial impacts that this behaviour, called depredation …